Judd and Thomas

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       Judd knew that no matter what happened he had that one person who would stick by him. His best friend and stepbrother, Thomas. Judd's dad remarried when he was 10 and his stepmother, Stephanie, was a nice woman whose husband passed away while overseas.

       His dad and Stephanie met at a parent-teacher conference at school when Judd and Thomas were a grade apart. Thomas was a year older than Judd and when they met they instantly clicked like all children eventually do.

       Judd sized Thomas up and said, "You can play with my truck but don't steal it."

       They remained friends. Through elementary, middle school, and high school they stuck by each other. When Thomas got to college they were separated but never truly apart. When Judd went to college they got a place off campus and lived together.

       There was one morning that Thomas had pressed Judd into the kitchen counter and kissed him. Judd wasn't surprised nor did he protest. He sighed into the kiss and embraced this other thing that they had in common. 

       When they went home and told their parents they were together, they stood by each other through the pain and suffering of their disgust. Then they stood by each other while they, one by one, graduated and got jobs. When Judd proposed to Thomas, he wasn't surprised but he cried happily and said yes.

       They stood by each other while they said their vows and when they adopted a pair of twins and raised them together.

       Thomas stood by Judd when he got sick and he stood by his grave every day until he joined Judd with a grin on his face and a spring in his step that he hadn't felt in a long time.

       Judd and Thomas stood by each other as they watched their children and grandchildren grow and flourish. They still stand by each other, smiling and holding the other's hand.

***A/N: Just a really short, sappy one-shot. :)***

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