Chapter 1

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I'm Hayley, This book is about my P.O.V of my relationship and life handling ALOT!! Of situations. Please keep in mind all fellow readers that this book has romance.

'Hi Maddy what are you doing and why is everyone looking so suspicious' I asked curiously.

'Well everyone keeps on saying there's a new boy at the school I wonder who he is' Maddy said interested.

Then I saw the most prettiest boy I have ever seen he had blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes. He flew passed me and I started to blush. Then I looked at him again and I knew he reminded me of someone, my X-boyfriend I forgot his name it was a while you know.

'Hayley, Hayley' Maddy said tapping me on the back. I stared at him for so long I felt my life flashign before my eyes like a beam of light traveling through my brain. He was like an angel and... Yeah you get the point. I found out his name. His name was Niall.

'Here comes Rhianna' I said in an unhappy voice.

'Move, MOVE! I need to get to this boy' Rhianna said in a posh voice, like always.

'Wow who are you I so totally like your style' she said in a 'trying to get him' voice and walked him away.

How I hate that girl she's always like that whenever she sees a boy she just has to take him doesn't she has to take the boy that I like. She's like an annoying fly that never leaves you alone and where ever you went it was there, watching your every slight move you make. I really wished she disappeared for one day, just one day. 

I walked home sadly sobbing along the way. I knew my life was slowly breaking apart in front of my eyes, in front of Rhianna's eyes too. I sat on my comfortable queen sized bed and brought out my IPhone and earphones and I started listening to music. My little brother eventually crawled into my room.

'Hey sis what you up to' staring at my IPhone.

'Oh, Come here' I smiled and grabbed him. I placed a single earphone in his ear and he started taping his hands to the beat. I laughed and realxed on the bed, waiting for the day to end.

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