Chapter 23

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I had to go, My father was in danger. That person who shot me was threatening to kill my dad. I couldn't loose him. My dad and my 13 year old brother were the only things I had left. I couldn't say anything to Niall about this. He would worry way too much. The only hope I had was to get home quickly and safely, get my dad and brother out of the house before it's too late.


MUUUUUUUUMMMM!!!! I screamed, as the whole building crashed and burned I front of my eyes. My heart sank and I burst out crying, she was gone. My 1 year old brother crying as he saw the fire, the noise made his ears ache. I was lost forever from that day on. My dad holding me and my brother close to him.

I ran as fast as I could back home. But when I got there I was too late. They finished there job and left. I didn't know how I was going to explain this to my brother. When he was 7 he told me if anyone kills his father he will commit suicide. He was staying over at my aunts for the weekend and I knew that if he found out about this he will grab out his pocket knife and start stabbing himself helplessly. But If I didn't tell him now, he would never forgive me.

I called my aunt and told her the bad news. I told her to explain it slowly and gently to my brother. I was starting to get worried, I sat outside my house on the steps. I just needed some time to think. Who could be the Killer, they have been trying to hurt my family for over 7 years, well at least I think. When I got shot it was 7 years ago and I was lucky my memory recovered and I was back to normal.

I saw Niall's car pull up in the driveway. He ran up to me and looked at my green eyes. He immediately gave me a hug and a cute kiss on the cheek.

'I understand of you don't want to tell me what's wrong'

'Im sorry Niall I just need some time to think'

'I understand love' he looked at me and winked.

'Plz call me after you want to talk ok'

'I promise' I said and winked back.

He walked up the driveway and got into his car. In a blink of an eye he was gone. I saddened a bit more. I shouldn't have told him to go.

I didn't know what to do for the first time in my live I was truly lost.

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