Daycare (Part-3) FINAL

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I asked around to see if I could find anyone else whose kids went to that daycare.  It took a few days, but I finally found a friend of a friend’s cousin whose son was enrolled.

I contacted him via Facebook and set up a meeting with him at his house.  I brought my daughter so she could play with his son while we talked in private.

He and his wife both worked full-time, and seemed shocked when I first suggested that something in the daycare was amiss.  They said that their son, Brian, had never been better behaved than since he started going to that daycare.  He went to bed without being told, cleaned up his toys, and hadn’t thrown a tantrum in the three weeks since he was first enrolled.

I asked if they regularly checked the cameras.  They admitted that although they did a few times, they didn’t really sign in to watch on a regular basis.  When I suggested the possibility of the cameras being pre-recorded, they said they honestly hadn’t noticed.

I told them about the strange song I’d heard my daughter sing, and the strange way she’d been acting.  I didn’t mention the cat, however, because I didn’t want to be accused of being a negligent parent.  They said they’d heard Brian humming something, but the words never came up.

Hesitantly, I asked if they had a pet.  For a fraction of a second, I thought I saw a flicker of concern in their eyes, then Brian’s father spoke and said they didn’t - but I’d seen that look in their eyes that spoke volumes more than anything else they had said.

When we were done, I took my daughter and left.

That was the last time I or anyone else spoke to either of Brian’s parents.  The following morning, I saw on the news that both parents had been killed in their bed, and their son was now missing.

When I put my daughter to bed the following evening, I decided to try to talk to her about it.  I’d deliberated over my questions all day, and had finally decided on what specifically I wanted to ask her.

I’ve transcribed the questions and answers to the best of my ability below.

Q: What sort of games did you play at the daycare with Miss Wendy?

A: We played imagination games.

Q: Who taught you the song that you sing?

A: Miss Terri.

Q: Who’s Miss Terri?

A: I don’t know.

Q: Is she friends with Miss Wendy?

A: No.  She plays the imagination games with us.

Q: Did she teach you to say that prayer at night?

A: What prayer?

Q: The one I heard you saying the other night.  (I repeated the prayer)

A: I don’t know.  I just know it.

Q: Why did you kill Tony (the name of the cat)

A: I had to.

Q: Why?

A: He wasn’t going to let them in.

Q: Let who in?

A: I don’t know.

I asked if anyone had abused her at all.  She didn’t understand and I had to explain.  I won’t go into detail here, but when she understood my question, she confirmed that she had not been abused whatsoever.

Q: What did you mean when you said I was going to burn?

A: I don’t know.

Q: Why did you say it?

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