The murder of a friend

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HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT HANGED, was the first thing that I woke up to as I flipped through the depression we call the news. It had become so regular used I didn’t even give it a second glance. That is, of course, until they said the name of the person who was killed. When something happens on the news, you don’t ever really think it could happen to you. You feel almost invincible from those sorts of things, thinking “Well I mean this couldn’t possibly happen to me, I live in a boring city where nothing ever happens”. But I was one of the people that were affected by what happened on the news. While it didn’t happen to me, it happened to a person close to me. I walked into school knowing that Larencen Joe, my best friend, had been murdered.

My first feelings, of course, were sadness. Mourning, the funeral, the usual process. But as I learned more and more details about the murder, I became angrier and angrier. He had received an anonymous text message which claimed to “I know what you did”. It had asked him to go to the woods and it would explain everything. There had appeared to be a fight that ended with Larencen being hanged. The murderer, unfortunately, still at large.

A group of friends of mine, John, Frank, and I decided to do something about it. It had been months since Larancen was murdered and there had been no leads, no evidence, absolutely nothing. It was a very clean murder. “What should we do guys” I had asked them one day. “What can we do. There was a flipping murder!”, said Frank. “Maybe we can investigate, we knew Larancen best”. And that’s exactly what we did.

Our first step was, to go to the scene of the crime. We searched the ground, the tree, everything, but we couldn’t find anything. After a few hours of searching, Frank said: “Hey guys, I think I found something, check this out!”. It was a marking in a tree. It read “STOP SEARCHING OR YOU WILL DIE”. We were freaked out for a while, but we got over it pretty quickly. It was probably just something to scare away the police. By the tree were some footprints, roughly human-sized, that led back to the high school.

So we knew that it had to have been a student at the high school. There were only a few people at the high school that had the same shoe size as those footprints. Everyone in my group, and two others, James, and Chad. James was a very quiet person, always nervous. Nobody really knew him, but he seemed to know a lot about everyone else. “So… James…. Have you heard that someone murdered Larancen?”, John asked, looking very intimidating. “Y-yy-yeah. It was all over the n-n-n-n-news. I feel bad. What about it?”, he said, seeming even more nervous than usual. Everyone was nervous around John though. “Well, we found some footprints leading back to the high school, and they just happen to match yours.”. “Nah man it couldn’t have been m-m-m-me, I have an alibi!”. “What is it then?”, Frank asked. “I had been playing Fortnite yesterday, I even got a w-w-w-win!”. I visibly cringed. Opening my phone, I checked his account, and he was right, he had gotten a win that day. “Watch yourself James”, John said. Next up was Chad. Classic jerk. Loved stealing food, shoving people down, interrupting class. Just straight up annoying. We went up to him in the lunch line while he was, of course, cutting people in line. “Hey Chad we need to talk to you” , I had said. “Whaddya want dweeb”. “Well we found some footprints by Larancen body, and they just happened to match yours. What were you doing at 9:35 PM on April 1, 2018.”. “I was at da party”, He said, clearly drunk or something. “Do you have any proof”, Frank had asked. “Just ask someone da was there. It was liiiiiiit”. Clearly, we couldn’t get any information out of him, we could question him later.

“Well obviously none of us did it”, I had said. “What can we do?”, John asked. I figured that we could check out Colby’s locker for any information. Inside of his locker was a sticky note. It said “meet me in 123 Death Street”. I’m going to keep the name secret to keep my anonymity, in case he finds me. We went over there and there was a house. It was all broken down and stuff. However you would imagine a murderer's house to look like. We went in, it was dark and dusty. A family picture was hanged up on a wall but it was too dark to see it. Suddenly I noticed that John had disappeared. “Where’s John?”, I asked Frank. Oh he said he needed to do some homework or something, and left. Probably too afraid. A rat scurried by my foot, absolutely disgusting. I crept up the squeaky staircase, every step making the entire house echo with it. Frank looked around the kitchen. I finally reached the upstairs, and tried to open the first door on the left. “Locked, dangit”. The door on the right, however, opened fine. I walked in and saw a picture, this room had a window so I could see the picture. It looked like… Frank? I got very scared very quickly. I turned around and tried to sprint out of the room, where Frank was waiting with a large butcher knife. “So, you figured it-”. Before he finished the sentence I shoved him out of the way and ran out of the room. I could hear him laughing behind me “There’s no place to run!”. I realized he was right. I couldn’t disappear, I would be found by the police. They obviously wouldn’t believe me, I’d go back to school and Frank would kill me. My only chance was to try to kill him.

I rounded a corner, thankfully he didn’t see me. As he sprinted past I tripped him. He dropped his knife. I was going to stab him, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. That was my mistake. He quickly overpowered me and trapped me in his basement. I’m sitting here now, writing this. He’s preparing the 2nd blood sacrifice now, I wonder who will be the 3rd. I hope someone finds this and is able to stop him before it’s too late.


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