tap-tap-tap (Part-2)

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It has been 26 days since i first posted this and 33(?) days since this first started happening.

Since my last post, I have received candid photos of myself stuffed into my mailbox. Not in an envelope, just printed paper. I have heard phone ringtones going off outside my bedroom window at all hours of the night, but only when my boyfriend is away, and the co-worker of my boyfriend who helped search for the creep had his transmission line cut(? ripped? I don't understand cars).

After a few weeks of things being relatively quiet, I figured it was safe for me to start doing my shopping on my own again. I was wrong. At 5:48 PM tonight, as I was leaving the shopping center, I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye. I was feeling uneasy, and I don't know how to describe it other than I felt like he was too close. Way too close for a stranger, if that makes any sense. This man was within arms reach of me.

I kept an eye on him as I made my way through the underground parking lot. I don't drive, but I often walk through here as it's faster than having to exit on the other side of the center and walk the extra 500 Meters around. The man only stayed slightly behind as I waited to cross the road.

I txted my boyfriend that I was being followed, and let several of my friends know that I believed I was being tailed home. I gave them the street I was on, my boyfriend's phone number and told them that if they didn't hear from me within 5 minutes to call the police. I was not taking any chances with this.

The man continued to follow me, and I was a little less than half way home when I noticed a car that had driven past me earlier was now driving relatively slowly behind me. I looked over my shoulder and was blind sided by two facts - The driver was the man who had been tapping on my window, and his accomplice who was less than a few steps behind me was reaching out to grab me.

I'm a fairly petite woman, and I'm so so glad that I had only gone to the shopping center for a late lunch, and that I wasn't carrying anything that would weigh me down. I legged it out of there as fast as I could, thinking about how I could get into my house without having to fumble for my keys like a horror movie trope. Remembering that occasionally when doing the washing, I would leave the back door unlocked since I'd be moving in and out of the house frequently, I made a Beeline for the back yard. Today was laundry day. Lady luck was with me as I burst through the back door, slamming and locking it behind me.

I made a quick check of all the locks in the house, and peered out my bedroom window. Nothing.

Police advised that I should come to the station to make my statement. I spent 4 hours in the police station last night with detectives, giving my statement.

I'm terrified that somehow, they will get me, and I'm going to end up in some pay-for-pain video on the deep-web.

I don't know what they want from me, and I don't think I ever want to find out. To the tag-team creeps, lets not meet again

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