Ouija Board Available. Used once (Part-3)

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I’m finally safe, at least for now.

Thanks to all of your input and the research I performed, I came to the conclusion that the ouija board session needed to be closed immediately. I also decided that I was going to do it by myself because I didn’t want to endanger anyone else, especially after seeing what had happened to Seth. I also figured that it would be best to close the session by having the ouija board on top of the door to the well because that was where whatever was causing this chaos had originated.

The basement being the place where all this first began actually makes sense. After many people asked about the history of my house, I became curious and wanted to unearth the truth. It took some digging, but I was able to discover that there had been a strange occurrence about twenty years ago, which was before my family moved in. A 12-year-old girl disappeared while playing a hide-and-seek game with her twin sister, never to be found again. The twin was hiding in the basement waiting for her sister to find her, when she heard a sinister voice in her ear, followed by a scream from her sister upstairs. Whatever had whispered in her ear that night could very well be what my friend and I had unknowingly contacted with the ouija board.

Anyway, a few days ago I began the preparations to close the ouija board session while my dad was at work and my mom was out with her friends. I did nearly everything you can imagine: I put on some silver jewelry, blessed the entire basement with holy water and sprinkled salt around the well. Oh, and there was sage. In fact, there was so much sage being burned that I had to temporarily disable the fire alarms in my house.

After the preparations, I began the ouija board session by contacting the spirit. A cold touch on my arm instantly guided my movement of the planchette and it began counting down the numbers “9-8-7-”. In a loud and forceful voice, I proclaimed that I was ending the session and it needed to leave me alone. The planchette continued down across the numbers, “6-5-4-”. I again demanded that the spirit leave me alone and, as I made the command, I felt a gush of wind swirl around my body, sending shivers down my spine. Though I was terrified as the planchette moved from “3” to “2”, I didn’t let the spirit see my unease and for the third time commanded that the spirit leave me alone. Then, with all my strength, I moved the planchette over the word “goodbye” and the wind abruptly died down.

Relieved that it seemed I had performed the ritual correctly, I left the board in the basement and trudged back upstairs, feeling completely drained of energy. As soon as I made it into my living room, I passed out on the couch.

That night, I went over to my friend’s house because my parents were having some friends over for their annual bonfire with the neighbors. Yes, this was the same friend who I had first contacted the spirit with and I informed him of what had happened. He apologized throughout the night, expressing a guilt I had never seen from him before. He had wanted to have some fun and get a little scared, but what we had gone through was far from what he had anticipated the ouija board would create.

When I returned home the next morning, I noticed the planchette sitting in the garbage can of the kitchen. When I asked my mom why it was in the kitchen, she admitted that my father and her were a little freaked out after I had left and before their friends had arrived. She said the ouija board was back on the kitchen table, with the planchette moving on its own. My impatient father decided to get rid of it and threw the ouija board into the bonfire without a second thought.

Before I could lecture my mother on what trouble this may have caused, we both heard three loud knocks from deep within the basement. My mom wanted to check what it could be, but I pleaded with her to not go into the basement. She shrugged me off and opened the basement door as another three knocks boomed from the basement. Just as she began to descend the stairs I ran up to the planchette and, with all my might, hurled it against the kitchen floor.

My mom turned around, closed the basement door and began yelling at me for making a mess. I didn’t care though since I had stopped her from going in the basement. I didn’t know what would have happened to her, but I didn’t want to find out.

I haven’t experienced anything else in the days since I broke the planchette, but still feel on edge. I haven’t been in the basement since and don’t know what to expect next, except that I’ll never use a ouija board again. I hope that all of you will do the same.

I just hope that my warning isn’t too late.

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