Chapter 5 | fanfiction

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You instantly panicked. He could NOT see the stuff you've been reading, no way. He'd think you're weird...

You dove for the mouse and snatched it away from him.

"Uh- just books!" You said.

"If it's just books when why are you so defensive of it?" He replied, instantly I'm investigation mode.

"It's just- some of them are... kind of stupid..." you said.

What kind of excuse..?

He seemed to be scanning you, then he looked back over at the computer, then back at you.

"Let me guess... it's fanfiction?"

Well, looks like there's go getting past the worlds greatest detective. You sighed in defeat.

"Yeah... its fanfiction..."

"Understandable, you are in many fandoms after all"

You put the mouse back and he began to look through your library, seeing multiple book covers of himself as he scrolled.

"X reader..? I'm guessing they're some kind of insert?" He said.

"Yeah, they're like retellings of a story, but with the reader in them. There's a blank space for the readers name and the characters talk directly to the reader" you explained.

"Kind of like one of those chose your own adventure books?"

"Yeah, kind of"

"And what's a oneshot?"

"A very short story, only a chapter or two long. Funny, I've read a few oneshots about you magically coming to life, and here you are, sitting at my computer"

"Hmm... and a lemon?"


You stood there in an awkward silence for a moment.

"You seem to have a lot of them involving me" he added.

"OK THATS ENOUGH OF WATTPAD!" You said, turning the monitor off and leaving for the kitchen to get your food.

L jumped at your sudden action and watched you leave, deciding to get up and follow you. He considered this suspicious, maybe not for malicious intent, but it was still odd behaviour from you.

"Ok, I'll have to guess then" he said.

You pulled the cocoa krispies out of the fridge and started to plate them up.

"Short stories?"

You shook your head.

"Love triangles?"


"Some kind of harem?"



You froze. How did he mange to guess that so quickly.

"Judging from your body language and shock I'm correct"

You sighed and gave in.

"Ok! Yes it's smutty stuff... but it's not that bad I promise!" You said, trying to justify yourself.

L, who was way to calm and casual, reached over the counter and grabbed a cocoa krispie, eating the whole thing in one go.

"Mmm. Not sweet enough, where do you keep your sugar?" He said.

"The cupboard- wait, you don't care?"

"About?" He said, opening the cupboard and looking for the jar of sugar.

"That I... read, uh- stuff-"

He grabbed the sugar and placed it on the counter, closing the cupboard and leaning over the counter next to you. He opened the jar of sugar and took a cocoa krispie, dipping it into the sugar.

"No. You're a functioning human being with working hormones, it's natural" he said, way to casually proceeding to put the sugar covered treat in his mouth.

"But they're-"

"About me? Yeah, I know"

"And you're not weirded out about it?"

"Not really, I've always kind of known you've had an attachment to me. Although I don't know why, yes you did explain it earlier but I just never thought I'd see the day someone actually cares about me the way you do. Plus, I saw more fluffy stuff so I know you're wholesome somewhere in that small body of yours" he explained.

"Ok firstly, just because you're taller than me doesn't mean I'm small-"

"But you're small to me because I'm taller than you"

"Yeah bu- damnit"

"I get your point- continue" he said, dipping another cocoa krispie into the jar of sugar.

"Second, you're not weirded out by me? A crazy fangirl that obsesses over you and reads fanfic?" You said.

"Hm, not really. You know me, I tend to latch onto people who care about me. And you care about me, so I kind of grew used to you when I was watching you through those vision things"

Ok, that went better than expected.

"You're handling being with an overly obsessed fangirl surprisingly well" you said.

"Like I said, you're attached to me, I've grown used to you"

Well... if that's his mindset, then maybe... no, he would never... buy it's worth a shot, right?

Maybe those fanfictions will become real life?


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