Chapter 3 | good morning

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You slowly began to hear the world again, birds chirping and cars driving by in the distance.

You began to stir, starting to wake up.

You pushed yourself up and began to rub your eyes.

That's when you almost had a damn heart attack.

"Good morning"

You jumped out of you skin and fell off the bed. Good work (y/n).

You heard quiet laughter and someone moving on your bed.

"You ok?"

You opened your eyes and froze in shock.

Looking down at you was a boy.

Not just any boy. A very familiar one.

You knew that voice, you knew those eyebags, that hair, the signature clothes.

You had to be dreaming.

"You must be confused"

Usually if someone were to be in your house without you knowing, you'd scream. But not this time, mainly because you thought this was all a dream.

There is no way freaking L is in your house. He's not real, he's dead!

You nodded at his words. Yes, you were very confused.

He held out a hand to help you up and you hesitantly took it. With one strong pull, you were back on the bed.

"Ok let me explain, and I understand why you'd freak out. So you obviously know me, I'm on your walls, you have figures of me, you definitely know me. You see, I'm not sure why but I started to believe it or not, fall asleep during the Kira case, and when I fell asleep, I'd have these weird vision-dream things where I could see into your world. It made me curious as to who you were and why you were so obsessed with me after I figured out I wasn't real in this world. So since I couldn't change my fate, I asked the shinigami to send me here when I died instead of nothingness. I didn't think they could but they did, and well, here I am" he explained.

You let it all sink it. This was a lot to process.

"And just too prove that I am actually L, I can provide you with information about me only L would know"

You tilted your head to show you were listening.

"I put 8 sugar cubes in my tea. Check if you want further proof"

You instinctively grabbed your laptop and opened it, clinking on an episode where you knew L drank tea and skipped to that part.

"1,2... 3,4... 5,6... 7,8. Huh, you do have 8" you mumbled.

"See? So that's basically what happened. You can freak out if you want"

You pushed your laptop aside and sat there for a moment.

"Slap me" you said.


"Slap me! I want to know if this is a dream. Even if it's not being slapped by you is literally the biggest honour ever" you said.

"I'm not going to slap you, that just mean, even if you did ask me"

"Pinch me then!"

He shrugged and grabbed your arm.

What do you know, being pinched actually hurt.

"Ow! Wait... I'm not dreaming. So... a fictional character is real... and sitting on my bed, and he touched me, and he's L. Oh my god I've been blessed, thank you anime gods!" You exclaimed.

Then something hit you.


Without thinking you grabbed L and pulled him closer to you, putting your ear to his chest.

"What the-"

"You have a heartbeat! Your not dead! Oh my god you're alive, thank god!"

You wrapped your arms around him, he tensed up at the sudden action. But he did expect this reaction, he just wasn't used to human contact. In curiosity he felt his own pulse, and thankfully, he had one.

"Huh... I am alive. I guess it's from switching from nothingness to your world" he said.

"Don't you ever die again! You have no idea how upset I was! I was crying for weeks! Don't you ever die again ok?" You said.


You pulled back form the hug and sat there awkwardly.

"Sorry... it's just, I can't believe your real, and alive. You're literally my favourite person ever so it's kind of a shock..." you said.

"I suspected that would happen"

"I'm (y/n) by the way"

"Yes, I figured that out from the dreams a while ago. But it's nice to actually met you and be able to talk to you"

"So... was that you who blew out the candle last night?"

"Yes that was me, I think your world and my world have different time zones nice my birthday in my world has already been and gone. I have to say I didn't think you'd go out if you way to make a little cake for me"

"Sorry you didn't get to eat it..."

"That's ok, I could barely touch anything at the time, I was still half in nothingness"

It was silent for a moment.

"You're a lot more... genuine than usual"

"You already know everything about me, I have literally nothing to hide, I don't exactly have to act all professional" he said.

"That makes sense"

"I do have a question for you though"

"What's that?"

"Why are you so dedicated to me? Why me of all people?"

Oh boy, he shouldn't have said that, now he'll never hear the end of it.

Last Night, Goodnight • DEATH NOTE (L x Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin