Chapter 1 | oyasumi

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You were especially tired tonight, maybe it was because you'd been out all day, shopping and such, food doesn't buy itself. You just wanted to fall asleep and dream about anime.

But you couldn't just yet, while the trick or treaters stopped a while ago as it got later, you still had one thing left to do.

You stood in the kitchen with your panda pyjamas on, a cupcake on the counter with a strawberry slice coming out the side of the pink icing. A single candle sticking out the top.

Not only was it Halloween, but L's birthday.

You watched that flame dance on the candle as you put the lighter away.

You smiled down at the little cupcake.

"Sorry you can't be here for this L, I'll blow out your candle for you"

You leaned against the counter and began to sing.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lawliet, happy birthday to you"

You went to go blow out the candle, but to your surprise, it extinguished in front of your eyes.

That was weird, then again you did have the air conditioner on, that sure was convenient timing.

You pulled the candle out of the cake and pulled the wrapper back.

"Sorry you can't eat this for yourself L, I'll enjoy it for you"

You took a bite out of the cake, it was strawberry shortcake, his favourite.

"Man, you would love this, it's so overly sweet..."

You quickly finished the cake and cleaned up the kitchen. You looked at the clock as you left, it was 11:46, almost midnight.

You wandered into the bathroom and brushed your teeth, hair and quickly cleaned up the counter. Now you should really get to bed.

You walked into your room, closing the door behind you and turning off the light. Using the light from your lamp to see, you got into bed and snuggled up under the blankets. You reached over and turned off the lamp, using the last of your energy to get comfortable.

You sighed and looked at the empty spot next to you. Then just like every night, you said one last thing.


With that, you closed your eyes and began to fall asleep. Although just as you stared to fall into unconsciousness, you heard something... something, familiar?

"Goodnight... (y/n)"

Your body has already shut down, guess you'd be finding out what that was in the morning.

You slept soundly for a while, but as you entered a stage of rem sleep, something woke you up.

A thud. You rubbed your eyes and reached over to turn on the lamp.

You say up and took a second to adjust to the light.

"What the..?" You mumbled.

You turned to look around the room and something was off. The bedsheets next to you were... messed up. The blankets were thrown back and the pillow was moved.

But you woke up in the same position you fell asleep in. Ok, that's a little weird.

You got up and looked around the room, double checking everything.

Nothing, it's all the same.

Maybe you did just mess it up in your sleep.

You felt like you were going crazy.

You decided that was it, you'd been inside for too long. Apart from that shopping trip, you've been inside for weeks, it's the middle of summer holidays so you don't have to work, even then, you work from home. You were just going a bit stir crazy, that's all.

You opened the door to the balcony and stood outside for a second, the night air was warm, the city around you quiet apart from the occasional car driving past. You took a deep breath of fresh air.

"Man I really need to get out more..." you said to yourself.

You stood there for a little bit, the decided to go back to bed, you saw the clock reading 2am anyway.

You locked up again and flopped back into bed, crawling under the blankets and turning off the lamp.

"Goodnight, again"

You began to fall asleep, but this time, you know what you heard.

"Goodnight, this is the last time, I promise"

Last Night, Goodnight • DEATH NOTE (L x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now