Chapter 2 | shinigami

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"Shinigami, when I die, take me to that world I keep dreaming about, I wish to meet her"

I said that three months ago.

Now here I am, dead. Floating in nothingness as I waited.

For some reason I was never able to figure out, and the shinigami never told me, I started to fall asleep around the start of the Kira case. I know, shocking, I, L, was actually falling asleep for once in my life.

But that's not the weird part.

Ok it's pretty weird, since when do I sleep?

But that's not the weirdest part.

I kept having dreams, or rather visions I guess, of a girl who knew my name, knew my life, knew everything about me and the Kira case and my successors. At first I thought it was just a dream but after it happening in a regular basis I scratched that theory.

She would always say stuff like 'I know your not real' and 'if you were real.' Which confused me at first, I'm real. At least, to me I am. But when I started to see her reading books with me in them, and watching DVDs with me on them in an anime style art form. I figured out that I must be a fictional character to her.

Where she's from, I don't exist.

It was weird to think about at first, did that mean there's a world where the books I've read are real?

But I eventually got used to the idea somehow.

She's part of the reason I knew I was going to die soon, I saw it in her world, on her TV. I knew I couldn't change the fate I had, not unless the taskforce would actually listen to me and arrest Light and Misa. Even then, rem would probably still kill me.

When we got the first Death Note during what (y/n) calls 'the yotsuba arc' and I first came into contact with shinigami, I thought maybe, just maybe they'd know about these strange visions.

So, I asked.

They told me that for some reason that not even they knew, I was seeing into (y/n)s world because of a ripple in dimensions. It sounds ridiculous, I know, but shinigami exist and have their own realm so it's not as weird as it may seem.

I asked if she could see me like I see her, but they said no.

That's when I asked they send me to her world after I die. I'd rather not go to nothingness forever, I'd get bored.

I didn't think it was possible, or that they'd do it, but they did.

When I was killed, I woke up in nothingness, but slowly it's been fading, I can see (y/n)s world slowly start to appear around me. I was slowly pushing through one dimension to another.

It seems like it's finally time to meet her though.

Things I do have an impact on her world.

I blew out my birthday candle and it worked, I was the one who messed up the bedsheets, I got bored of waiting and decided to sleep just a little bit.

And it seems she can hear me too, just not see me.

But at the rate things are going, by tomorrow morning she'll be able to see me, the last bits off nothingness are almost gone.

Right now, I'm just sitting beside her as she sleeps, waiting for morning to come.

I want to know why she's so dedicated to me.

If I can't know why I started to dream of her in the first place, I at least what to know why she loves me so much.

She's an interesting girl, she's captured my attention.

She already knows everything about me, but I know almost nothing about her.

I wonder why she makes me so intrigued?

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