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I let out a sigh as they came back from another failed attempt to find Kanan.

"We are going to find him." I said softly.

"I know, but.... what if we can't." Ezra said sadly.

"We will..... I promise." I said softly.

He nodded his head and I let out a sigh as I set on my bed and held Five's helmet.

"Wish you were here...... I wish I could have saved you." I whispered as I held it tightly.

I left my room to see Hera and the others talking.

"What's going on?" I asked walking up to them.

"Hera wants us to abandon Kanan." Ezra said angrily.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Fulcrum thinks it is a lost cause." She explained.

"Well tell Fulcrum I don't care. Kanan is apart of this team. Apart of our family. I won't lose him to the empire..... I can't." I said closing my eyes.

"What happen to you? During the clone wars." Sabine said softly.

"Have you all ever heard of Hotshot?" I asked calmly.

"Yea she was the first female clone trooper. My mother said she is the reason they let women join." Sabine said calmly.

"I was Hotshot..... during the war I left with my sister because... she had been falsely charged for something, and the Jedi order let her take the fall...... I won't allow Kanan to take the fall for us.... I can't... I can't lose someone else who is trying to do what is right." I said softly.

"I'm sorry Anya, I wish we could find him, but we don't have any leads." Hera said as she walked away.

"I think I have an idea. On how to get a lead." Ezra said with a smirk.

"I'll keep Hera busy." I said as I walked away.

"There is more to the story isn't there." Hera said as I walked into the cockpit.

"Nothing important." I said calmly.

"Spill.... tell me why is it you hate talking about your past?" She asked softly.

"Kanan doesn't know about me working as a clone trooper..... I knew he hated them so I kept it a secret...... I also kept it a secret that I was engaged to a clone. His name was Rex...... I left him when I left the war."

"What happen to him?"

"A few months before Order 66, Master Plo Koon met up with me and told me he had been killed, along with Commander Wolffe and Gregor" I explained.

"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that." She said softly.

"I did..... I abandoned Rex.... and because of it I lost him. Sad thing is..... every night I dream about seeing him again..... and every night I wake up thinking I'm getting closer." I said as I stood up and shook my head.

Soon Ezra returned and we went to find where Kanan was. We found information about him and where to find him.

"I think we found something. Kanan is on Governor Tarkin's Destroyer, the Sovereign. It's still here above Lothal, but it's scheduled to leave soon." Sabine said calmly.

"Where to?" Hera asked calmly.

"The Mustafar system? I've never heard of it. Hera?"

"I've only heard that name once. From Kanan. He said Mustafar is where Jedi go to die." Hera said as she looked away.

We made it to Mustafar and I let out a sigh as we snuck in and made our way to Kanan. I helped Ezra get to Kanan and we tried to make it out. We got caught by the Inquisitor and I was able to get Kanan's lightsaber.

"I see you got a new arm. Would you like to lose it too?" He asked with a chuckle.

"How about you lose an arm." I said as I ignited the lightsaber.

"Do you think they can forgive what you have done?" He asked as he dodged my blade.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said calmly.

"No matter where you run the dark side will always follow you, Lady Death." He said with a smirk.

I growled as I attacked him and he laughed as he blocked every move.

"Your friends will die.... every one of them, but don't worry before they die.... I'll let them know who you truly are." He said with a smirk.

I screamed as I knocked him down and he flew off the ledge. I looked down and he looked up at me.

"You have no idea what you've unleashed here today. There are some things far more frightening than death." He said as he let go of the ledge.

I helped Kanan stand and we escaped. I let it a sigh as Chopper disappeared and the base started falling apart.

"If I die because of Chopper I am going to be so angry!" I snapped as I looked around.

"Chopper! He came back." Zeb yelled as we saw the ghost.

"Who-- Who is that?" Ezra asked as we saw another ship.

"I don't know, but I think they're on our side." Kanan said calmly.

"Kanan, Ezra, dock with Chopper's transport so we can make the jump into hyperspace." Hera ordered.

We got on the ship and I let out a sigh as we took off.

"I owe you all a great debt of gratitude. Even if what you did was rash and reckless." Kanan said with a smirk.

"You're welcome, dear." Hera said with a smile.

I heard Chopper complain and I shook my head.

"If Chopper was in this transport ship, then who was flying the Ghost?" Ezra asked confused.

"Hello, my friend. It is good to see you again." A man said on a hologram.

"I don't understand. I met you once for a few moments. I don't even know your name." Kanan said confused.

"His name is Senator Bail Organa." Hera explained.

"And the crews of the blockade runners?" Kanan asked.

"Members of other rebel cells." The senator explained.

"There are other cells." Sabine said calmly.

"We're a cell? Wait. Did you know we were a cell?" Ezra asked confused.

"Um, no." Zeb said looking at me.

"We weren't supposed to meet. That way, if captured, we couldn't reveal the other rebels to the Empire. That was the protocol." Hera said calmly.

"The protocol has changed." A voice said.

I turned and froze as I saw a Togruta woman.

"Fulcrum." Hera said shocked.

"Ahsoka. My name is Ahsoka Tano." She said with a smile.

"Why did you come here?" Kanan asked confused.

"Because of you and your apprentice, many in this system and beyond have heard your message. You gave them hope in their darkest times. We didn't want that hope to die." She said with a smile.

"So what happens now?" Ezra asked confused.

"I don't know. One chapter has closed for you, Ezra Bridger. This is a new day. A new beginning." She said softly.

"First thing we need to do is get out of here. Anya can you pilot the ship for me?" Hera asked with a smirk.

"Anya?" Ahsoka asked shocked.

"Yea I can pilot the Ghost." I said as I walked away.

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