Cain the vampire prince

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Mina's POV

Both of us stood on the bridge gazing at each other unsure of what to do

"Cain you must be hungry?" I asked

He looked at me in the eyes and said

"I'm starving"

Just when he was about to extend his fangs I stopped him

"You can't drink from me here lets go somewhere else" I said

He scowled but he let me drag him to an alley

"Right here is fine" I assured

He extended his fangs and suddenly


"Ah Cain" I moaned softly

He placed his hands around my back completely caging me against him


"C-Cain your drinking too much" I warned

He retracted his fangs and licked the two punctures he left which were already healing

He looked at me as he licked his lips from satisfaction letting out an 'mmm' as he did(A/N I'm fangirling at my own characters LOL)

"Your blood still manages to drive me crazy mother" he said

"Cain your giving me some of your blood later you drained me of so mine that I can't walk" I said

He chuckled "forgive me my queen"

He picked me up bridal style

"Your much more lighter than I remembered" he teased eerily

"Shut up Cain! lets go there's a townhouse in London that my acquaintance owns" I said

"Very well,my queen"


Time skip town house in London

"Stay here Cain you better turn yourself into a bat until I inform my acquaintance of your arrival" I said


*POOF* Cain turned into a bat

I went to the dining room where ciel lau were sitting and Sebastian was pouring some tea also there was a shattered tea set on the ground

"Mina you're back" ciel said

"What happened here?" I asked

"Prince Soma threw a fit and broke the tea set" lau said

"Well that's cant be accepted" I said sarcastically

"Have you found anything out mina?" Ciel asked

"Yes my lord I believe that I have the solution to our problem" I said

"Really?" Ciel asked

I nodded

"Sit down and tell me about this solution"

"Umm well my lord phantomhive I believe that my acquaintance is the one responsible for the bite marks on the victims you've seen yesterday" I said

"Who's this acquaintance?" Ciel asked

"Well he's child" I said

"Your child?!"

"Yes I have a confession, a long time ago I had given birth to a baby boy whom I left in the care of my servants while I was away" I said

"Then where is he?" Ciel asked

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