The Toreador Vampire pt3

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Sebastian's POV

I came back to the townhouse and looked around before reporting to my master.

I sighed in relief. 'It's seems Mina isn't here yet the young master is safe for now.'

I went to my masters bedroom and knocked on his door.

"Master it's Sebastian I've come back with information." I said

"Come in Sebastian." He said.

"What news have you to report?" He asked.

"Mina has summoned one of the representatives of the toreador clan and asked for a henchmen that will be helping in this case."

"A henchmen?"

"Yes, there are more like a soldier from the clan it's quite interesting." I said.

"When does this henchmen arrive?" My master asked.

"That I am not aware but I am sure that he will be arriving along with Mina my lord." I stated.

"Good job Sebastian I'm going to be able to sleep easily knowing that I'm aware of what's happening." Master said.

"Of course my lord." I said.

Once my lord was asleep I went to the British library and searched for the origins on vampires.

I looked over all the books and documents that were available, none was useful.

I sighed and closed the last book and a paper flew out.

"Huh what is this?" I pondered.

It was an old document, it talked about how to kill a vampire and the old myths and legends about the history of vampires. The more I read the more I understood the nature and being of vampires.

I tucked the paper into my breast pocket as I left the library it was still very dark outside when I left. I arrived back at the house making sure I did my other duties as a butler would've done.

"Welcome back sebastian seems you've been busy so late." A beautiful voice echoed.

I turned around, I saw a pair of scarlet eyes stare at me.

"Well yes, my master wants to solve this case as soon as possible or else he might become quite distressed, now my lady Mina did your business go well?" I inquired.

"Why yes, it's rather easy to summon subordinates from other clans so everything went rather smoothly." She stated.

"So what was the outcome of your so called 'business'." I persuaded.

"The clan has offered me one of their own to help me with this case and when all is said and done they'll decide what is supposed to be done." She explained.

"Well why am I telling you this when you were there in person to witness it?" She glared.

I smiled in response. 'She knew about me being there of course she must've felt my presence at the harbor, nevertheless she saw me as well.'

"Mina earlier I couldn't decipher it but you ordered me to put the young master to sleep....Your power is increasing by each passing moment." I praised.

His Butler: Vampire Queen Where stories live. Discover now