his butler vampire queen

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Phantomhive manor

"My lord you have a letter from the queen" sebastian said

"Give it to me sebastian" ciel said

Ciel takes the letter and and reads it

Dear phantomhive:

"There are some strange rumors about terrorist cargo arriving on a ship that is schedule to arrive tomorrow"

"Your queen worries about my people's safety"

"I need the cargo retrieved and delivered to the palace once taken"

"Can you ease your queens trouble"

"Queens guard dog "

Signed {Queen Victoria }

"Sebastian prepare a carriage for tomorrow we are going to the harbor"ciel said

"Yes my lord"

The next day


"My lord the carriage is ready"sebastian said

"Lets go sebastian"ciel said

"Certainly my lord" he said

"Why are we going to the harbor my lord?" sebastian said

"There is a cargo due to arrive today and it'll be used for terrorist purposes the queens is worried about her people and I'm bound by my family's honor to ease the queens worries"ciel said

"We must've arrived master"sebastian said

"Lets go sebastian"ciel said

At the harbor

"Is this the ship sebastian?" Ciel said

"Yes the cargo is to be schedule for examination but after that it'll be taken by the one in charge"sebastian said

"Ok sebastian when the box is being lowered creat a diversion and I'll go inside and locate the crater"ciel said

"Yes my lord"sebastian said

When they were taking the box down from the ship sebastian went and knocked the sailors out while ciel entered an looked for the crater

"Which one is it?"he said

Their was a box that said "dangerous cargo handle with care"

"Sebastian come I found the crate" he said

Sebastian appeared

"Is it this my lord?" He said

"Yes lets take it and go" ciel said

Sebastian picked up the crate and puts it in the carriage and leave

In the carriage

"We have retrieve the cargo all we have to do now is send it to the queen"

"But what do you think the queen will do with the cargo?" Sebastian said

"It's not my place to question what the queen does with the cargo"

"Playing your role as a guard dog well master"sebastian said

"Shut up!" Ciel said

At phantomhive manor

"Welcome back young master!!"mey rin baldroy and Finny said

"I'm home now" ciel yawned

" Its getting late my lord you must be tired my lord I'll prepare tea for you" sebastian said

"I'll be in my study"ciel said

"Very well"sebastian said

"Baldroy, Finny their is a crate outside in the carriage I need you to carry it to the basement be careful it's fragile" sebastian said

"Sure thing sebastian"they said

"Mey rin go clean the basement and make sure the crate gets their safely" sebastian said

"Ye- yes sir!" She said and left

With sebastian and ciel

"I have prepared tea for you my lord" sebastian said as he poured tea on the teacup

"Do you think it's wise to let those three take care of the crate the queen wants delivered?" Ciel said

"I'm sure it'll be alright and if they somehow do something wrong consequences they'll receive"sebastian said


"Ugh this is a really big crate"Finny said

"And it's heavy too" baldroy said

"Why would the young master want with a crate this big and what's in it?"Finny said as they carried it inside

"If you guys don't get it in the basement sebastian will yell at us" mey rin said

"Okay okay dammit this is really heavy" baldroy said

"We're almost there"Finny said as they finished walking down the steps

"Woah!!" Finny said as it slipped and the crate fell down on the remaining stairs and cracked it on the side

"Look what you did Finny you broke it!!"

"I'm sorry it slipped!!"Finny cried

"It's just a crack" mey rin said

"Huh that's odd" baldroy said

"What?" Finny said

"It has a gold frame around it Finny help me open it" baldroy said

"But what if sebastian yells at us"Finny said

"He probably doesn't know what's in here either so lets find out" baldroy said

"Okay then"Finny said

Baldroy and Finny opened the crate and saw...


At the study

"Wahhhhhhhh!!!" A voice yelled

"What was that?!"ciel said

"My lord please let me check whats going on"sebastian said

"I'm coming with you!" Ciel said

Both of them ran towards the basement and saw mey rin shaking in fear and baldroy and Finny holding each other

"What happened in here?!"sebastian said

"L L Look!!" Mey rin pointed to the crate


"A coffin?!"ciel said

Authors note: hehe cliffhanger

Please vote follow and comment I'm trying to write lots of stories I'll be updating my stories soon kk :D

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