The senate's Invitation

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Mina's POV

I felt someone touching my forehead

I slowly opened my eyes


I saw nightmare and dream in the room

"Good afternoon my lady" He said in a polite tone

"What are you both doing here?!" I asked

They sighed "don't you remember we're bounded to you if you get hurt or possibly I'll we are to come to your aid" they said

"Ah yes I've forgotten about that where's ciel and sebastian?" I asked

"They said they were going to a certain castle to investigate, said it was haunted by ghosts and the workers refused to continue the remodeling unless it was investigated" dream said giving me a teacup

I looked at them closely they no longer had their strange hair and eyes their hair was black and they had different colored eyes

They also looked younger then they should've

"What's with the get up? Why did you change forms?" I asked while sipping some tea

"Oh our forms are rather unclean for a proper lady most definitely not a queen so we decided to change forms do you not like it?" Nightmare said

"You look at me with the face of an innocent young girl and boy knowing that you're clearly not pure and innocent it's disgusting" I said

They chuckled because it was true

"Mina well be leaving for Phantomhive manor soon earl ciel Phantomhive had told us to wait for him there" nightmare said

"Also I received this" nightmare said

He handed me a letter that a black rose stamp across it

"It's from the senate"

"What does its say?"

"Your royal highness queen Mina Leanne tepes we would like for you to attend the blood masquerade in Paris held by the senate we would like for her royal highness to be there and celebrate with us we will await your answer

Signed your elder brother Alexander"

"Alexander?! my my I never thought I'd hear from him again" nightmare said

"Alexander it's been such a long time since I saw him last"

Flashback centuries ago

"Leanne you have to leave the underworld"

"But Alexander we can take them they are not that strong" I tried to convince him

"No,I'm afraid it doesn't work that way it's not about strength it's about size there's too many of them and we vampires cannot fight that long it would be condemning our kind to extinction"

Alexander grabbed my shoulders"you have to leave the underworld Evan will take you to the human world and place you in a deep sleep where your body will be safe"

"No! What about my child?! what about Cain?!"

"I'll have Ophelia take him and raise him along with her husband in the human world I have to stay here and bring back order to the underworld I have to banish the demons out so they stay away from us" he said

"My lord demons have been spotted 500feet away from the castle" a guard said

Alexander grabbed my hand "You must go I don't know if I'll be successful in bringing back order to the underworld or even banishing the demons Evan will stay by your side once you go into your deep sleep years will pass I promise every 30 years Evan will wake you up so you won't die from starvation he will tell you of what has become of me and if I'm still alive hopefully you will comeback" Alexander said

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