Chapter 10

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Hey guys! Heres chapter 10, i think ur gonna like this one >:)


There it is. The Capitol. The train stops in front of the same place our Hunger Games interview was. Thousands of Capitol citizens cheer in the audience. Thousands give us dirty looks. We are about to step out of the train, but Effie stops us.

"I know you two will do fabulous!!" she says, straghting Peeta's tie and smoothing my dress. She kisses both of us on the cheek. "Good luck, Mommy and Daddy!!" Theo says. Oh, thats right. Peeta and I do our interviewa first, then a little while later Bryory and Theo join us for theirs. Bry smiles at me and i wave to her. Just before we are about to step out of the train, Peeta whispers something in my ear.

"Remember to make the cameras think we are totally in love." he says with a grin. I laugh and grab his hand. "I'll keep that in mind." I whisper. He laughs and we step out of the train. Everyone goes crazy. Someone throws a flower, and Peeta picks it up and puts it in my hair. I smile and stand on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek. It's nice to know that even though millions of people are watching us, this is real.

We smile and link our arms together, walking up to the stage where Caeser  Flickerman greets us.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the Star-Crossed Lovers of District 12!" He says grinning. The crowd goes wild. Caeser laughs and Peeta and I sit down, sharing a love seat. Caeser sits in a chair across from us. Peeta puts his arm around me, and I take both of his hands with both of mine. Peeta and Caeser begin warming up the audience a bit with small talk and jokes, but the audience begins to get bored so Caeser starts getting serious.

"So Peeta..." he says with a bit of mischief in his woice. "Ever since the...innonent, how have you managed to control your flashbacks?" he asks slyly. Peeta's eyes begin to turn black, and the veins pop out of his neck. How dare Caeser ask a question like that! It could easily trigger one of Peeta's flashbacks, and its already beginning to. I shoot Caeser a dirty look then try to coaxe Peeta. I tighten my grip on his hands and whisper in his ear in a reasuring voice.

"It's okay Peeta, listen to me. Ignore all those thoughts of torment and hatred. I'm right here. Stay with me." I whisper. Peeta slowly snaps out of it and whispers "Always" very quietly.

"Oh, I'm ever so sorry..." Caeser says sadly, but I can swear that I see a hint of a smile forming on the corners of his lips. "Oh, its alright. Sometimes they just seem to flare up. At the worst moments." Peeta says, glaring hard at Caeser. There is a long pause.

"Anyway! How have your lives been, back in District 12?" he asks nervously. This time I talk, remembering my dream. "Great, now that we don't have to worry about mutants chasing us around." I say. Caeser and the audience laugh, and I force a smile. "So, what about the kids?" Caeser says. "Well, why don't you ask them?" Peeta says with a smile. The audience didn't know the kids were coming, because Peeta and I agreed that they wouldn't go to the interviews untill they were both at least 5. For their safety. The crowd roars at Peeta's comment. Caeser laughs. "Okay, okay! Bring them out!' Caeser says.

Bry and Theo step out, arm in arm. I can tell they really don't want to link arms, but Effie probably gave them no choice. They smile and wave as they walk up to the stage. The crowd gives deafining roars and cheers.

"Ladies and Gentleman, Bryory and Chrysantheomum Mellark!' Caeser shouts. There are no seats besides Caeser's and Peeta and I's seat, so  Theo sits on my lap, and Bry sits on Peeta's. "How sweet!" Caeser says, and the crowd lets out 'awwws'. "So Bryory, Chrysantheomum, do you--" Bry innterups him. "Call me Bry, or I might just send an arrow through your powdered wig." Bry says with a fake smile and giggles. Peeta and I secretly exchange worrie glances, but Caeser and the audience laugh. Then Caeser looks at me.

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