Chapter 2

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I didn't know they still even existed!

My first instinct is to fight back, but I'm far from my bow and arrows. So I run. I run as fast as I can.

I come across the tree hole with my old bow and arrows hidden in it. I grab it, and bolt the fastest I ever ran. I'm pretty far ahead, but I can't stop. I eventually stumble on a log lying on the ground, it twisting my ankle horribly. Not thinking, I shriek Peeta's name.

It reminds me of the time in our first Hunger Games, when the announcer said that the tributes from the same district could win, and I yelled Peeta's name, then realized that it could be a horrible mistake. Thinking I'm done for, I keep screaming.

I look to my left and see a tall slim tree. Getting to my feet in one quick, painful spring, I run to the tree. I swing my legs around the trunk, and push myself up, my ankle on fire. The peacekeepers get closer, and I let arrow after arrow fly towards their heads. They duck every single one. That doesn't seem right, Katniss Everdeen never misses, but I guess I'm Katniss Mellark now. I knew Peeta always had a horrible aim.

I load another arrow, and suddenly a sharp pain stabs my back.

Tranquilizer gun.

Or worse.

I know I only have seconds before I will black out. The last thing I can remember is my eyes closing, falling from the tree, landing on the ground with a thud.


It's dawn when I open my eyes. When I do, I see--no. It can't be. I gasp. "Gale"? I choke out. "I thought you would never wake up, Catnip", he says. A big grin crosses his face. I give him a hug, then slap him on the face.

"Gee, what a great way to greet your friend after not seeing them in forever." he says. I scowl at him. "Well do you think you can just leave me without saying goodbye, then just show up ten years later and act like nothing happened?!" I say angrily. "Especially when you killed my sister!" I scream.

His face falls. "Not on purpose..." I choke out softly. There is a long silence. "Katniss...I loved Prim. And I loved you. That's why I couldn't say goodbye. It would just be too hard." he says softly.

"You...loved me..." I respond. "Loving you for years then seeing you run off with that Peeka boy or whatever just killed me. But its ok now. I'm just so happy to have you as a friend again." he says, ending with a small smile. I grin and hug him, then I start laughing. "Its Peeta, by the way. With a t." I say. He grins. "Whatever you say, Catnip.'

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