Chapter 1

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Katniss Everdeen- or Katniss Mellark.

Here I stand, 25 years old, with a husband and children. I am dreaming again...about my present...and I'm interupted by-- "MOM !" Theo yells. "Dad, moms dreaming again!" " She is, is she?" I hear Peeta chuckle. I blink a few times and then foggily look up, greeted by soft blue eyes and a strong hand stroking my cheek. "Well, I like it much better with her dreaming and not hearing us at all, rather than nightmares screaming her ass off and waking us up" Haymitch laughs. I sit up and smirk at him. "Hey, I 'm just telling the truth, sweetheart." He says chuckling and putting his hands up in surrender.

"Still in bed mom?" Bry walks in with her hair in two braids much like Prim's. "Watch it, Bryory." I say, playfully poking her stomach. "Uhg, don't call me that!" She says, scowling. "At least your whole name isn't Chrysanthemum...." Theo says disgusted. " Yeah, why did you name us after plants anyway?" Asks Bry. "The same reason your mother and Prim were." Peeta says. "And Rue...", I say quietly. "And that reason was?" Bry says, putting her hands on her hips. Peeta furrows his brow, thinking, and he looks at me questionably. I laugh. Peeta takes my hand and kisses me. Bry and Theo shriek 'EWWW!" and I catch Theo doing something in the corner of my eye, but I don't bring it to my concern. Then I remember something.

" Kids! Go get changed! Today is the interview!" I say. "Mom look at me! I am the Mockingjay!" Theo says. I gasp. My mockingjay pin is off its usual place on my shelf and fastened to his shirt.

"NO!" I scream. I rip the pin from his shirt and throw it in a corner. Tears stream Down my face. I run downstairs sobbing and I run outside. To the woods. I sit by the pond my father took me to all the time, I sit down, and cry. With that pin on Theo's shirt, I guess I just pictured my own children in the Games for a moment. No. It will never happen. I smile and realize how much I overreacted. I start to walk home, and that's when the huge hovercraft appears, a rope falls from the hovercraft, several peacekeepers slide down, and begin chasing me.

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