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David grabbed my wrist to stop me from leading him towards the door, spun me around, and planted his lips on mine before he could even say anything. I almost yanked back in shock, but he was really convincing, so I just went with it. He leaned back just barely to say, "Your dumbass boyfriend is here."

"I thought you were my dumbass boyfriend?" I looked up at David as if I was staring at someone I loved, so the three waiting for us at Aaliyah's front door wouldn't get suspicious.

"Funny," he placed one last kiss to my lips before pulling away, sliding his hand down my arm to intertwine our fingers. "This should be fun."

"Do I look okay?" I asked, eyes flicking down to my black bodycon dress with lace sleeves and a cut out in the boob area (sponsor me, Fashion Nova). It was not really my style, but Aaliyah informed me to dress cute and sexy for her birthday party and I obliged. Now, about to walk up the steps and meet my ex-boyfriend, I was regretting it.

"Yeah, pretty," David nodded, taking his free hand and moving some of my hair behind my back. "Let's go. I can't wait for this shit. Should I vlog it?"

"Hmm, I'll decide when we get the vibe of the party. Right now, it's a no," I joked, allowing David to help me climb the stairs in my sky-high heels and grinning when I reached the top, spotting my best friend looking beautiful as ever in a maroon, off the shoulder, long sleeve bodycon dress. "Happy birthday, bitch!"

"My baby," Aaliyah wrapped me in a hug, squeezing the life out of me. "I have missed seeing your beautiful face every day."

"I have missed yours more!" I cheered, planting a quick kiss on her cheek.

"And David," Aaliyah side hugged him. "I haven't seen you in forever."

Aaliyah, once over the initial shock of the whole contract thing, thought it was kind of fun to lie to everyone around her. Being practically the only person in my Instagram pictures for the past three years, she got a lot of followers and a lot of questions about me and David. She constantly was asking us the stories we were telling so she could "jazz them up" to people in her DMs.

"Happy birthday," David smiled, pulling out his wallet and pulling three hundred dollar bills from it. "I didn't get you a card, sorry. We were supposed to before we got here but Sloane took about ten years to get ready."

"Okay, okay," I playfully rolled my eyes because he was definitely telling the truth. David and Aaliyah began to argue over the amount of money he gave her, which she claimed was "unnecessary" and he claimed was "the least he could do". I finally started ignoring them, turning to Aaliyah's boyfriend to say, "Hi, Dre. You are a lucky guy, aren't you?"

"Oh, for sure, baby," he wrapped an arm around me, which David kept a close eye on. "I hope you don't mind I invited my boy Dylan. I thought you two might wanna talk. Didn't know you had a boyfriend."

"You didn't?" I raised my eyebrows in disbelief, tilting my head to the side to show him I didn't think he was telling the truth. "That seems surprising, considering I moved out of Aaliyah's dorm. She didn't tell you I, I don't know, moved in with someone?"

"Guess it slipped her mind," he shrugged, and all of our attention was turned to Dylan when he cleared his throat.

"Wassup, Sloane?" he nodded, the slightest smirk on his face. I stared back at him until everyone got too uncomfortable to stand it.

"Let's go inside, shall we? Daddy catered some food and it's a little cold out here," Aaliyah pushed on her cracked front door and led us through the house and to her large dining room. I had been there a million times, but each time, it felt more extravagant. The large wooden table looked so shiny and royal, and the crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling twinkled as light passed through them. The array of food was, to simply put it, too much. There were only five of us, and there were two times as many pasta dishes, various salads and types of bread. It was a lot, but that was Aaliyah. "Okay, everyone, sit!"

She sat at the head of the table, with David and I to her left and Dre and Dylan to her right. We made casual small talk, Dylan remaining abnormally quiet, while we passed out the food and got everything prepared. David's hand stayed on my thigh the entire time, almost as if he was shielding me from what was to come.

"So, Derek, right?" Dylan leaned back in his seat confidently, eyes focused on David. His smug aura that once pulled me in now repulsed me, and I wondered why I ever thought he was a good choice.

"David," he awkwardly corrected, his grip becoming just a bit tighter.

"Yeah, whatever," Dylan rolled his eyes. "Where'd you meet Sloane?"

"Leaving a party at USC," he answered, which wasn't exactly our story, but Dylan would for sure know I wasn't actually at a party in March, since I was absolutely heartbroken then.

"So you go to parties often and pray on drunk, vulnerable girls, or is that just for my girlfriend?" Dylan cocked his head to the side, almost as if to show it was a rhetorical question and that he didn't give a fuck about David's answer. He would, however, give a fuck about mine.

"Okay, Superman," I scoffed, not even letting him make eye contact with me. It would bruise his ego to know I'd rather pick the nail polish off my nails than look him in the eyes. "Let's not act like you were boyfriend of the year."

"It's not my fault your childish insecurities ruined our relationship."

"You cheated on me," I deadpanned. "Multiple times. With, like, lots of girls."

"You should've gotten past that, though. You can't trust people; you let that ruin your relationships."

"Uh, she hasn't ruined our relationship," David gave my thigh a reassuring squeeze, and I softly smiled at him, mouthing a quick thank you.

"No one was talking to you."

"Okay!" Aaliyah interrupted just as David began to sit up straighter, puffing his chest out a bit to look more intimidating. It didn't really work, but I appreciated the thought. "Let's all calm down, considering it's my birthday. Eat some garlic bread, Sloane."

"I mean, you don't have to tell me twice," I grinned, grabbing a piece of garlic bread from one of the many baskets. "This is good ass food, Lee. Tell your dad I love him."

"He loves you," she replied, nodding her head. "He misses you too. He was complaining last weekend that you never come home to see him anymore."

"Bro, I'm like a stunt double now," I gestured to David. "I don't have the time."

"Okay, Miss Drama Queen, you never do anything for the vlogs," he rolled his eyes and I playfully slapped his hand away from my leg. "You literally sit there and laugh at the things other people do."

"You have a flamethrower that you often light in my house," I snapped back. "I think that should count for something."

"Oh, do you?"

"Yes, I do."

"You're so cute—"

"Jesus Christ," Dylan groaned, dropping his head down to the table and banging it repeatedly. "If they fucking flirt anymore, I'm shooting myself."

"Good luck with that," I sarcastically smiled at him, then grabbed David by the collar to pull him in for a very, very necessary kiss. I mean, it really needed to happen, that's the only reason I did it. Not because I wanted to or anything. That would be crazy.

hiiii guys!!! i just want to thank u for 300 followers. there was a time when i had 18 followers and no one ever read my stuff and it was so, so disheartening, but somehow, when i sold my soul to the vlog squad, i suddenly found lots of ppl who related to me and actually enjoyed my work (like what? im unbearable but thanks) !!

i know ive said it a billion times but i have started nearly 200 stories and ive been starting and not finishing fanfics since like 2011 (first on quotev... if u remember quotev ur an OG) and like... its just amazing that something clicked and now people read my stuff. from the bottom of my heart, thank u<3

xoxo abby !

faking it » david dobrikOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara