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early a/n 
this small chap is just 

gonna be a little insight

on who tambia was before 

the story started


Pepper stared down into her mother's arms, seeing her new little sister for the first time. Her frown was evident on her features, as she had gone the first ten years of her life without having any siblings, so now she had to deal with the fact that she probably wasn't going to be her parent's favorites anymore, to her disappointment and protests. 

"Her name's Tambia," her mother tiredly announced, not surprisingly giving the baby an eccentric name, just like they had done with Pepper.  

2008 (15 years old)-

"I just gotta grab something from the backyard!" Tambia yelled at her sister, who was waiting by the door. 

"Be quick about it! I've got classes too!" Pepper replied as Tambia jogged into the yard. 

At first, Tambia was just going to grab what she needed and go, yet something caught her eye. It was purple and glowing. Instantly, it caught her attention and she felt as if she was being pulled to it. 

Yet, when she touched it, she immediately regretted it as she flew back, unconscious. Until Pepper angrily stomped out of the house and shook Tambia awake. 

Not quite noticing what was going on throughout her body, Tambia was dropped off at school and didn't even notice anything different until her third hour, science. 

She got cut by some scissors, and couldn't even notice the pain, yet when she saw the blood, she was intrigued by it, and she could smell the iron within it. 

After that, she continued on with her day, the situation on her mind for the rest of the day. 

2009 (16 years old)-

Tambia had just stepped off the subway when she was approached by Nick Fury. The man with an eyepatch had stopped her, asking if they could go to a diner nearby. Instantly, she had said no. She definitely did not trust the man and did not want to go somewhere with him. Nick had respected her response, and she expected to never see him again, yet, once she got home, a shock was stricken with her. There was Nick Fury, sitting on her couch and talking to her mother about a scholarship that Tambia had apparently signed up for. 

"Can I please talk to Tambia in her room, I want to update her on what's going on," Nick said, and Tambia's mother quickly nodded her head, believing the lie that Fury probably heard her. 

The two had gone to Tambia's room and instantly Tambia's finger was in his face, "look, I don't know what the hell you want or what you're selling, but I don't want any of it!" she exclaimed. 

"Look, I know about your powers," Nick told. "Who else does?"

Tambia was silent, still thinking about whether or not to trust the one-eyed man. Hesitantly, she told him, "nobody."

"I want to help you understand it."

so, what do you think
about tambia's backstory? i really
like that she was recruited 
by nick, and i'm hoping
that i'll be able to 
make them have a father
slash daughter relationship because tambia
doesn't have a dad in 

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