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Tambia and Thor parted ways, Thor heading to where ever and Tambia going to Bruce's lab, where Dr. Cho had set everything up for Clint to be healed. 

She walked in, a smile on her face as Tony walked in behind her, holding a tray that held 4 different green drinks in it. 

"So, Dr. Cho, are you going to the party in two days?" Tony asked, starting the conversation.

"No, unlike you, I have work to do," she said sassily, looking down. "Is Thor going to be there?" she hesitated, not making eye contact with anyone else in the room. 

Tambia looked down, holding in a laugh and earning a look from Tony. She shook her head and headed out of Bruce's lab.


Quietly, Tambia sat on her bed, looking at nothing in particular as thoughts swirled through her mind.

She let out a quiet sigh, guilt silently eating at her.

The young woman shut her eyes tight and was soon surprised by the much older, Steve Rogers. "Hey," he lightly spoke, "you okay?"

Tambia shrugged as she looked at Steve's worried filled face. "I guess, it's just stupid stuff."

Steve shook his head as he took a seat next to Tambia, "Tamb, it's not stupid. Do you want to tell me about it?"

Tambia shrugged, "sure, I guess."

Steve sent a sympathetic smile to Tambia and patiently waited for her to start.

"I just feel guilty. We killed so many people on the last mission," she started.

"Tamb-" quickly, Tambia interrupted Steve.

"I know they're not good, but, just, they could have had families. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, children. I just feel like shit."

Steve nodded, and put an arm around Tambia's shoulder, slightly rubbing her back with his thumb in an attempt to comfort her. "I'm sorry, Tamb. But you can't blame yourself. We needed to get the scepter, who knows what else Strucker would've done with it," Steve said.

Tambia nodded, "I just wish we could do it without all the killing, and just send them to jail or whatever."

Steve nodded along with agreement, "Are you gonna go to the party?"

Tambia shrugged once more, "yeah I think so. Thor wanted me to go a couple days ago."

Steve's eyebrows shot up, "Thor? Is something happening between the two of you?" he asked. 

Almost instantly, a blush came to Tambia's face, "no! He doesn't like me at all!"

"But Tamb, do you like him?"

Tambia quickly adverted eye contact with Steve.

Steve's jaw slightly fell with surprise. "Oh my god!" he exclaimed, the realization settling. 

"Shut up!" she demanded, her face as read as the walls surrounding them. "I might like Thor, but don't pull a Tony and start screaming to everyone that I do, please."

A small smile covered Steve's face, "I won't, I promise."

Tambia nodded and kept her head hung low.

"Hey! Party's about to start!" Tony announced, popping in for a short second before quickly leaving again.

"Guess we should head on over, huh?" Steve asked, standing up from his friend's bed. 

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