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early a/n
this isn't going to be 
a full chapter, just so
i can show what had
happened with tambia and thor 
after they walked out of
bruce's lab. <3

Once Tambia got to her room, which was close by, she finally turned around to face Thor. "What the hell was that?" she exclaimed. 

Surprise entered Thor's system for a short second before he covered it up, "what do you mean?"

"Throwing your freaking hammer at me? What if I couldn't lift it?" she explained, frustration pulsing through her.

Thor nodded, understanding where the young lady was coming from. "I just thought you could. I believed in you."

Tambia shook her head, as she fought the blush that was rising to her cheek, despite her mental arguments. She turned around, as she felt her face get warmer. "I still can't believe you!"

"Look, Tambia, please, calm down. There's too much tension between the whole group for us to be fighting," Thor said, reaching out and putting his right hand on her shoulder. 

Right there and then, she turned around, bringing Thor into a tight hug. "I know. I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated with everything, and now Ultron. I just thought of every bad possibility that could have happened during then."

Thor nodded, wrapping his arms around Tambia, "It's alright. And don't worry, if I didn't think you could lift Mjolnir, I wouldn't have done anything to harm you."

Tambia brought her head up from Thor's chest and stared at his blue eyes. Taking every bone in her body, she stood on her tippy-toes, and put her lips against Thors, kissing him. 

Thor soon kissed Tambia back, trying to show his feelings through the short kiss. 

Once Tambia broke it, her face was redder than it had ever been before. "I'm, I'm sorry," she said, instantly breaking the eye contact and looked anywhere except the much taller man. 

"Tambia, it's okay. I have feelings for you too. THat's one of the reasons that Jane and I had broken up."

Tambia's eyes widened as she finally looked Thor back in the eyes, "really? You broke up with her for me?"

Thor nodded and smiled as he saw Tambia's smile grow even larger. 

another a/n

yes, i know that this
is labeled as a wanda
maximoff fic, but you'll just
have to patient for it
since i want to do
this :) and they'd be
super fricken cute together!!!!

and idk whether to call 
this another update since it's 
just this small thing oops
approximate word count: about 350

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