Not What I Thought

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I approached the group, while they continued to laugh. Nervously, I pulled out a piece of paper from my pocket, and looked up at the boy in the front of the group, who looked like the nicest of them all.

He was tall, maybe around six feet. His brown hair was shoved in a baseball cap, with strands of it falling out in small curls everywhere, and his light brown eyes shone like the sun in the summer, giving off a joyous aura. He wore an oversized long sleeve shirt and some skinny jeans, that were most likely women's.

His eyes connected with mine and his lips began to curl into a smile, but realizing that his friends were behind him, he instantly frowned. Our eyes disconnected and I let out a silent sigh. His eyes were pretty, I liked looking at them.

Awkwardly standing there, realizing they were all looking at me I muttered, "Um... Sorry I'm new.. I was jus-"

"Umm. Like who are you and why should I care? Especially with you wearing that shirt." The boy chuckled, cutting me off.

His little entourage giggled behind him, as I shrank back and chewed on the inside of my cheek. Glancing down at my "Stop Taking Selfies" shirt I blushed furiously and took another step back. Maybe he was different than what I thought.

"I- I was just wondering where this room is...." I mumbled, showing him the paper, and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I crossed my legs and uncrossed them multiple times, as he read over the paper. He took what felt like forever to read it. But when he finished he snorted.

"Idiot, the room is right there." He smirked, pointing across the hall.

My cheeks flushed bright red. How did I not see that? I whispered a quiet thank you and quickly scampered away.

He laughed loudly and said, "I literally hate people," with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

I shuddered at the comment. Did he already hate me?

His little group snickered along with him, causing me to look back. Which was a terrible mistake, because next thing I knew, I got a face full of metal door.

I rubbed my forehead and winced. There was definitely going to be a bruise, but I was focused on getting away, so I ignored the pain and dashed into the class room, with tears beginning to form at the brim of my eyes.

I guess he wasn't what I thought he'd be.

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