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I'm glad that Scott made it and he's not dead, but that doesn't still mean that I'm not mad at him. Every time Scott tried to talk to me, I shut him out. The door is closed until school. I'm giving him the silent treatment. 

Honestly, it's great not having to be with the team. The gang. It's nice to have a vacation. I've been informed with no kills, no benefactor update; I feel like a normal girl. Something I haven't felt in a long time. 

So, other than working on myself for a while, I've been catching up with school work. Malia and I have grown a lot closer ever since we found out we were lied to. Something I have missed sleeping with Stiles, I've had countless times where I haven't gotten any sleep, the bags under my eyes are starting to show. 

I found out that Lydia also knew, Kira, and Liam. What the hell did I do to not earn their trust? I can't wait to get drunk tonight at the bonfire tonight for the lacrosse team. I know that Malia's going, and I hope we can get drunk together. 

Another thing that's nice is trying not to get killed, it like I've been magically given a break. A break from the supernatural. A break from my boyfriend. A break from my friends. A break from my brother. 

I should be enjoying this. 

But I'm really not. I miss not being able to do anything, I hate watching people die when I know I can do something about it. I miss my friends. But I can't, I'm mad at them. Unless; I'm not mad at them but I'm really just thinking that I'm mad at them. 

My head snaps to my printer that suddenly goes off in the middle of nowhere. My only conclusion to think of what it could be is Scott printing something off and have to come into my room for an excuse. 

I gulp, and looked at the door waiting for Scott to collect his papers and try to stay he's sorry. I guess the reason why I've shut them all out for their apologies is that I want them to try harder. To beg my forgiveness. 

Come on, Scott

I climb out of bed; realizing the printing isn't going to stop. It keeps printing and printing things. How? I tried to turn off the machine, it did but it continued to print. My heart races and I pulled the plug which seemed to work. 

Curious, I stalked over to the ground and picked up a piece of paper. It's the Deadpool. My eyes widen, as I look at the numbers. 

Scott McCall 30 million 

Stacey McCall 40 million 

Lydia Martin 20 million 

And so on. Wait, I'm now worth 40 million dollars. I'm the most wanted supernatural creature out there. So, why aren't people coming after me? 

Oh, my god, what if they kill me in my sleep? 

My eyes widening. What if they're planning on killing me right this second? My heart's racing now, and I dropped the list and I quickly went back to bed. 

And once again, I didn't get any sleep that night. 

Most of today, I didn't talk to anyone. It was a routine. Days like these I wish Allison was still alive, so I could have a real friend to talk to. I wonder if I can talk to the dead. Now that would be cool. 

I'm just trying to get the day through so I can have a good time at the Bonfire tonight. I walk up to my locker, and I open it. My music is loud in my ears to try and avoid anyone I don't want to talk to. Which is most teenagers of this society now.  

Huffing, I push the books into my locker, and one had fallen out of my locker. I roll my eyes at it before bending down and picking it back up. It was brown leather. It had memories on the front. My heart ached. 

Sadly, I throw it back in the locker, and I slam my door shut. I stopped when I saw Stiles looked over at me, he saw me throw his book in my locker like I didn't care. I kept my head up high and kept on walking through the halls, ignoring his gaze. 

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