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Things initially went back to normal after that. George and I were happy again, Alex's YouTube schedule was back on track, Will still wasn't uploading on time but overall, things were back to how they were - bliss.

For one, I was happy. I only drank on occasions and I could partially pay off the leftover rent. Life was going great. And I mean it, I really do! The numbness that once consumed me had fluttered away and turned into a warmth, like the single ray of sun on your cold skin.

My only worry however, was that Beth had been gone far too long. You remember Bastard Beth, right? The beast with a mane of brown, wavy hair, eyes that looked like legitimate vomit and too spiteful for her own health? The complete opposite of George's friend Beth. I'm waffling but yeah her. If she hadn't fussed with something for a while, it meant she was away planning who knows what. I know that from experience. My only hope was that she left my friends out of her plan. I'd much rather take the fall if it meant they didn't have to deal with her, because believe it or not, I always have taken that fall for all my friends over the years. I have no idea why, something to do with low self-worth.

Back to the no bad vibes, I actually had motivation and ideas for my next YouTube video. The idea had been in my head for quite a long time but no matter how hard I tried to avoid it, Danielle Cohn was far too cringey to ignore. So, I sat at my desk, watching her videos for evidence and made points to say for the content. In my opinion, I prefer making pros and cons to balance things out and that viewers wouldn't get offended and could see my reasoning.

The video started with an animated character of myself (disguised because privacy y'know) made by a friend and the iconic audio of me throwing myself into my chair and aggressively placing something on the desk. From then onwards, I proceeded to rant and joke.
It was safe to say that I could understand why my fans thought I was losing my mind. While editing, I noticed how many weird noises and mistakes I made. Didn't edit them out because they were somewhat funny, the only irritating part was my incompetent stammer. Eh, oh well.

To my surprise, people loved the video and were thrilled about my return! I was earning enough money to get by and the majority of people could see how the points I made matched the evidence. Some of her fans didn't agree which was fine to be honest. I just sat comfortably for a response because let's face it, it was bound to happen.

Little did I know that Beastly Beth was getting kids to do her dirty work. How pathetic, if you want to ruin someone's life at least be upfront and brave about it. Who does she think I am? Does she really think a 14 year old would offend and break me? If anything it would be amusing. It's all amusing. She tries so hard to break emotion out of me. Snap me. But every time she's tried, she's failed. That's the reason numb is the best. I avoid the emotions so I won't be affected. I mean, yeah, the death affected me but she'll never know how I really felt about her sin. If she did, I could face jail time. So it's best between us. Me and you.


It's been updated! It's shorter than usual but hey ho I didn't want to bore you all~

Ya yeet got a mock exam in 10 days kill meeeee

But really, thank you all so much for the support and patience. I've read every comment and replied to what I can. If you have any ideas just like...let me know because I like reading them.

If you've read subscribe:

This will be on hold until I have free time again, 3 new ones in the works.

For you anime fans, I'm planning on writing an Izaya Orihara x reader (Durarara) since I've rewatched the series and he is still my favourite character~

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