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I had been to Nandos before, it was a date with my ex. But walking in with the group if boys felt different. I wasn't enlightened with romance or awe. It was joy and excitement.

Will told the waitress he had booked a table for six for 20:10. The lady nodded and we followed her round to the back, Josh and George both had arms around my shoulders.

"We are going to give you a night to raise that miserable soul of yours." Josh ruffled my hair as Will sat around the booth. It was a circle so it was closed off and cosy. I sat between George and Alex while Will sat on the end, James next, then Alex, me, George and Josh.
Looking over the menu for a while after ordering our drinks, I was amused at the fact that George and Josh were arguing over a pronunciation.

"No, it's Laviosa!" Josh nudged George's arm.

"It's Lavios-AAAAR!" George nudged him back, you couldn't hear that they were yelling over the music but we were in fits.

"Three Virgin Islands, two diet Cokes and one Pepsi?" The waitress announced, placing the cocktails in front on myself, George and Alex, Cokes with James and Josh and the Pepsi for Will. We ordered food and continued the banter, I didn't bother to sit and look pretty, I never was one to be quiet, I had a loud mouth when it came to socialising.

"The only Virgin Island here is George. He's small enough." Will joked, George rolled his eyes.

"Shut up!" He jokingly yelled, slamming his fist. You tapped his shoulder and chuckled.

"Don't worry, you ain't the only virgin." I comforted. He grinned.

"Two small virgin islands make a country." James nudged Will who was laughing harder than he should've.

"Actually," Alex lazily raised his arm, pointing "Three small virgin islands make a country."

"So not only do you drink bathwater and don't pay your taxes, but you're also a virgin." George's nose wrinkled up as he snickered.

"Oh my days, shut up." Alex dragged out the words and three his head back. I laughed with the others.

"Virgin trio. My new merch right there." I took a sip of the cocktail that sparked up the conversation.

Cocktails: now successfully locked in the memory vault.

The food eventually came and like pigs, we all dove in. I hadn't eaten properly like this in a while, so eating the meal boosted my energy and strength a hell of a lot. Though, we all seemed to be picking at each other's, James especially, he almost ate all our meals. No one was really bothered by it though, well, I wasn't, I was struggling halfway through.

Josh suggested we took some time to get to know each other: well, know me but I was open to all ideas.

"So, all we know is that you're y/n, 20 and live at the opposite end of the corridor." Alex stated.

"What're your hobbies? Favourite colour? Etc." James slurped his drink again, purely to piss Will off. I thought for a second.

"Well, YouTube is one-"

"I knew it was you!" Alex yelled, slapping the table. We hushed him and continued.

"But I guess I enjoy little games of Basketball now and then. Um...I'm not sure really, I just like having a good time.
My favourite colour is f/c, by the way." The rest of the time was just general questions and answers. Friendly things to get to know someone.

"Can you sing? Most girls seem to have that hidden super power these days." Will added.

"Fuck no." I wasn't lying. I really couldn't.

"That's all of us then. But it's more fun that way." George chuckled.

Later that evening, well night, they dropped me off at my door and we said our goodbyes. I leant against the door once I had closed it. A smile crawling onto my face. That was a night to remember. First good time in a while. The lads were something different. They had something, y'know? Like, a strong force keeping them together.
I hadn't felt sad or angry when in my place this time. I felt different. Relaxed. But the sorrow still lingered. Like it was a grief demon on my back.

Considering it was eleven at night, I had a long shower, checked my social media and went to bed. Not that it would last long but I wanted as much sleep as I could get before I started whipping out beer bottles again. 

Another nightmare slapped me round the face again at 2am. This time, it had all the past events in it. My mother, the fall outs, the abuse and the death all rotating like a carousel, taunting me with their sick grins of success. Can't say they were traumatic, they just hurt a lot. I sat up sweating again, wiped my face and padded to the kitchen. Bottoms up. Gulp after gulp of a once burning sensation had now become numb. I was supposed to be turning things around but one bad habit wouldn't hurt to keep...right? And if I was lucky, I would pass out and not remember.

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