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If I were to make/find reference outfits for these, would you not mind/like Or would you prefer if I didn't?

Morning rose and I was startled by rattling knocks at my door. I pulled myself up from the breakfast bar, groaning at the fact that I had let myself drink again. I rubbed my eyes and shuffled to the door. Opening it my eyes fell on George again. Guess he woke up earlier for me.

"Morning y/n," he smiled "was wondering if you wanted to go out today? Like, shopping or something, I don't know."

"Oh, hey George. Yeah, I just got rid of pretty much all my clothes so I'd love to come. Who else is coming?" I opened the door more to let him in. He smiled and stepped in, making his way to the living room while I tried to hide the mess as quickly as possible.

"It's just gonna be us, Alex and James are doing podcast stuff, Josh's out with Nina and Will...I don't know." He noticed the bottles on the counter in the kitchen.

"Ah, a little date then. Smooth." I joked, re-entering the room. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Why so much alcohol?" He asked with curiosity - not a judging tone for miles. I shrugged.

"Really bad habit that comes with a story. But that's deep so fuck the bad vibes." We laughed. I knew he caught on with my alcoholic ways "I'll be right back, imma get ready."

It wasn't a long wait. Was about 10 minutes. I literally slid along the floorboards back into the living room to see George again. He stood up as I grabbed my phone, keys and wallet again, returning them to their home in my pocket. He held his arm out like a waiter and I hooked my arm around his.

"Ready to leave, my lady?" He mimicked a posh accent and stuck his nose in the air.

"Indeed I am, kind sir." I mimicked back and we left to meet the Uber.

We took the Uber to the nearest tube station where we spent ages figuring out which line to take. We eventually solved it realising the next one left in 10 minutes which meant we had 8 minutes to run to the other side to the right platform. Upon realising this, we look at each other with panic. He took my hand and pulled me through the crowds, up and down stairs, jumped a few queues until we had 2 minutes to spare until the train arrived. We both giggled while huffing, leaning onto each other. His laugh was so cute. Shortly after the train pulled up, I clung onto his arm so I wouldn't get pushed away from the comfort and security. He looked down and smiled at me, squeezing into the carriage. As per usual, there were no seats and because I was short, I was unable to reach the handles at the top and the ones to the sides were occupied, which is why I held into George's arm. It was somewhat muscular: toned. Not bulky but not scrawny. I hugged his arm tighter when more people piled in, sweaty lads to be specific. I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders, pulling my frame into his.

"George this is grim." I mumbled to him. He chuckled and patted my back.

"I know, it'll be gone soon."

Three stops later, we exited the carriage and made our way to the exit. Racing each other up the stairs like children, we probably annoyed a few people but it was worth it. I won for the record.
We surfaced and looked around. London was busy as ever. A stood by George again, to prevent myself from wandering off. He led us to the shopping centre, smiles on our faces.
I hadn't been shopping in ages mainly because I couldn't be arsed.

"So, where to first?" I asked as we strolled further.

"I need to get Alex more clothes and then it's all down to you." He replied, muting his phone.

"Let's get Alex's stuff first, I wanna look for clothes too." And with that we made our way to H&M. Usually I would buy designer stuff if I wanted to treat myself but considering I was running dangerously low on money, H&M was still pretty decent and affordable. George nodded and we walked towards the stores, me still holding his arm.

An hour later we stood in a changing room (the disabled one so no one was supervising it), Alex's clothes on a rack while we posed in matching bomber jackets, taking photos for our personal/private Instagrams.

"You're so small I love it." He teased. I rolled my eyes and took a photo.

We bought the clothes and jackets then continued to wander around the large centre, eavesdropping on strangers beef and giggling at it. We ended up walking down the designer alley somehow. And I couldn't resist a bit of Gucci. My attention was dragged away from George by a pair of white trainers with red and green stripes down one side and a bee embroided. Oh how I had always wanted those Gucci crepes. I dragged George to the window, pressing my hands to it.

"I'm still saving for those."

"I'll buy you them." I looked at him with astonishment yet confusion.


"Yeah," he replied "then we can match." He shrugged and walked into the store. I tripped a little going after him and tugging on his arm.

"No no, you don't have to! Please don't waste your money on me." I begged, trying to stop him. But he had already picked up the shoes in my size and plopped them on the counter. I sighed and gave in, hitting my forehead on his arm as he paid. He tapped my head and slid a bracelet on my wrist. It was gold with a bumble bee charm.

"Free-bee innit." He shrugged and took the bag off the counter, guiding me out the shop.

"George you really didn't have to buy those, I mean it." I felt guilty that he had spent 850 quid on shoes for me. He simply chuckled and ruffled my hair gently.

"But I wanted to, y/n. We can match again."

"But I thought matching was what sad couples do?"

"Self-proclaimed Sad Couple™."

"Not even a couple." I chuckled, rolling my eyes. He chuckled with me while we walked through the crowds.

The day came to an end and George and I finished our shopping and took the tube home again. While we waited, I told him about my financial struggles, my mourning of my friend, my verbally abusive ex, my friends who weren't really friends I just stayed with them because I didn't have anyone else and I wasn't sure why I even liked them, I guess I couldn't let go and of course, the obvious drinking problem I had gained over the grief.  I didn't cry. I laughed at my own stupidity. George pulled me into him for protection and comfort. I assured him I was getting better as were things. He nodded and we stepped onto the carriage, Me holding onto him again.

We stopped outside my flat and he handed me the Gucci bag. I smiled, unlocked my door and turned to him.

"Thanks, I enjoyed today." He smiled back and half-smirked.

"Same. We should do it again. Oh, and I'm always here if you need me." I giggled as we parted ways. I went straight to my room to unpack the clothing I had bought. I placed the trainers and bomber together on an empty space on my desk, the bracelet on top.

Then a had a drink. Not from sadness. Because I was happy...I think. Well, I didn't feel heavy and I didn't feel like screaming or crying. Happy. Yeah, I was happy.

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