The Interview

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Interviewer: so, miss, we've heard-

Leigh: yes, I'm dating.

Interviewer: no, but I-

Leigh: he's this guy from Flor.

Interviewer: but we didn't even-

Leigh: his name's Tanner

Interviewer: but I-

Leigh: and he's coming to England to meet me.

Interviewer: ok, ok-

Leigh: I'm straight.


XD. I know it's short but eh.

Also, all of you who happen to actually like this thing, I've started a rant book on my second account - Just_Candor. So you can check it out if ya want.

Lolx, actually I'd be doing a rant on Teigh over there too!

So just PM and all.

And just... I have abs no idea as to who won the one shots, lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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