Love and Forgiveness

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                        Chapter Thirteen

Full of courage, I open the door of his office.  He was sitting on his desk.
Ehem. Excuse me sir.  I'll gonna go now. It's already 6pm in the evening. " I said.  He stare at me and nodded. Indicating his giving his permission that I can go.  I step out of his office and going to elevator.  I didn't notice that his following me from behind. 

I should go home too.  "He said while were inside the elevator.  I just nodded at him. 

I apologize on my behaviour before.  Sorry for dragging you outside the cafeteria. "He said with apologistic voice.  I just smile at him saying" it's ok sir.  I'm sorry too for not informing you earlier that I'm having lunch with Mr. Yu.

Ok. Starting tomorrow you'll having lunch with me.  That's your another duty. "He said. 
I frowned to him.  The elevator open, I saw Missy at the lobby and not to far from her is Mr. Yu. Missy waved at me.  I hurriedly go to Missy leaving Mr. Yushen behind. 

**Drake Pov**
Hmmm. She left me behind as she saw here bestfriend.  I saw Nathan too.  Is he waiting for Susie too?  I approach to them.

Hey, Nathan let's grab some drink. "I asked him just to separate him to Susie. 

Drake., we already decide to have a welcome party. Why not join us?  Nathan said.

Hmmm. Sounds great.  Ms. Cruz you'll ride on my car. "I said.

No, thank's sir, I just join Mr. Yu and Missy. "She replied.  I suddenly feel face turn's red that I got dumped. But I insisted.

Susie, it's ok. You can join Mr. Yushen. "Missy said. Susie didn't answer, she just follow me to the parking lot.  I open the door for her beside the driver seat.  She hop in, and I do so. Start the engine and drive. 

Can I call you Susie? I asked. She stare at me just nodded.  What is your relationship with Nathan? I asked her.

Huh? " Susie was shock on Drakes question.

Nevermind. You don't have to answer.  "I said. We reach our destination. It's a small restaurant. Nathan and Missy already there sitting waiting for us.  We enter the restaurant,. Susie seat beside Missy and I seat beside Nathan.  We start eating, talking, laughing and drinking. Nathan keeps on staring at Susie, I can feel that Nathan is interested to Susie, and I don't like the thoughts of it.  Susie seems a little bit drunk.

Nathan, I go now and I drive Susie home."I said.  Nathan didn't look happy on what I said, but before he talk, I support Susie by putting my arms around her waist and put her arms around my neck. I know that Susie still living in the same area as she lived before, I saw it in her resume. 
We reach her home, and I saw a little boy sitting on there front door.  I put out Susie out of my car and support her through the door. I was melted when the boy said.

Mama...  Are you alright?  The boy asked

Mama?  Is she married and this little boy her son?. "Im just asking myself.  "Hey,.. Little boy mama it's a little bit drunk. 

Who are you mister?  Are you my mom boyfriend?  The little boy asked. I just smiled at him. Boyfriend? I hope so. "On my mind.

No, I'm not.  I'm his new boss.  Where is your papa?  We need to let your mama in. "The boy didn't answer, Susie answer my question. 

Mr. Yu. Thanks for driving me home."she divert and did not give permission to the child to speak. 
Noah, come,. Hug mama.  Lets get in. Its already late and your still awake. Thanks again Mr. Yushen.  Bye. " Susie and his son went in. 
I get my phone on my pocket and dial Mike number.  Mike answer my call.

Hello, Drake. It's already late, why your calling? "Mike asked.

Mike I like you to get more information about Susie. She's my PS  now. I want to know if she is married or not. There is no information about her son or husband in the resume.  "I explain to Mike.

Then? Mike asked.

I brought her home tonight and there is a little boy calling her mama. Don't asked anymore Mike. I'm asking you for a favor. "I said.

Ok,,, ok..  I'll do it.  Goodnight.

I get in into my car and drives home.

**End of Chapter Thirteen**


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