Love and Forgiveness

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                            Chapter Eight

**Susie Pov**

I'am now inside the delivery room. Atlast the day come. I can't even imagine the pain of labor I'am in now.  .  It's so painful.  I wanted to cry out loud but can't, it's to shameful if do that.  The doctor said I need to push harder,"ok. Ms. Cruz. Another push. I can see the baby now. Push... Push. "The doctor said.

"Ahhhhhh.. Ahhhhh. "I push harder as I could.  Atlast I can hear baby crying.  I feel relief.  I release a heavy breath. 

It's a cute baby boy." The doctor said. They already clean everything.  As I wake up. I'am already in the ward room.  I saw my mom standing beside my bed.

Are you ok? The doctor ask what will be the name of the baby. "Mom said.

Noah Cruz. Noah is his name mom." I replied.

Ok. By the way, Missy called. She said she's coming today. "My mom said.

Ok. Mom. Thank's.

**Yushen Mansion**

Master Yushen, these are the report from the company. "Secretary said.

Ok. Leave it on my desk.  Secretary Lee, have send money to Drake? It almost a month he didn't even bother to contact me. Send him money just incase. '"Master Yushen commanded.

Yes,  Master Yushen.  I'll take of it.  Maybe his busy on his studies that's why he doesn't have enough time to contact you. "Secretary replied. Master Yushen sighed upon hearing what Secretacy Lee said.

Have Drake contact his friend Mike? Master Yushen asked.

No. He didn't."secretary Lee replied.

Ok. You may go.  "Secretary leave the office of Master Yushen.

**Sussie Pov. **

It's been a month since I gave birth to Noah.  Mom is taking care of him.  I'm busy with my part time jobs and School.  I work at the evening and study at the morning.  I can't even imagine how I manage my time. It's really tough for to do all but I can't even complaint. Noah is my everything. I have to work hard for his future.  I don't him to feel empty because he doesn't even have a dad.  That's I gave him all my love just to fill in the empty spot of a dad.  I'm a dad and the same a mom to him. 

Hi, my baby Noah. Mama is here.' He smiled at me.  Noah is now 8 months old. "Come,, come, Mama will carry you. I get him from a cript." Mom, where is Noah milk?" I asked mom.

Just a minute.  Oh. It's here.  Noah come to granny. Granny will feed you. " my mom said.

I'll do it mom.  You take rest. "I said. I started feed Noah, and singing him a lullaby.  He just staring at me while drinking his milk.  " good boy dear.  Finish your milk ok. 'I said as I cuddle him.  Continue my lullaby. He started to close his eyes and sleep peacefully.
I put him back into the cript, and went to my mom sitting at the veranda of our house.

Mom, can I talk to you? I asked gently.

Yes, what is it? 

Mom, I want to go back to the city after my graduation.  I want to look for a job there and raise Noah too. "I said.

Are you sure,?

Yes, mom. I want to give Noah the best I could give him. I'm hoping that someday Noah won't ask me, about his father. "I replied.

Do what you think is right. Noah will understand when he become adult. Don't worry about it yet. Time will come for that and solution do so.   I will ask our landlady there if our house still vacant. "Mom said.

Ok mom. Thank's mom." I hug her and she hug me back. 
I'm ready now to forget my nightmare at my past.  I want to focus on Noah's future.  Hoping I will not meet the man that cause my nightmare or Noah's father. Hope he will never appear in our life.   I don't know him, I didn't see his face, but I 'm sure he knew me.   I remove my hug from my mom. 

"Mom. I will just take a shower. "I said and went straight to the bathroom. 

"Ok. But don't stay too long.. For you not to catch a cold. "

Ok mom. " I replied.

**End of Chapter Eight**


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