The Tooth

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Mary's point of view
I woke laying in Francis's arms. I gently moved his arm off me so he wouldn't wake. I put a thick pillow in my place so he wouldn't wake up. He needs to rest, he has been so stressed about his parents coming. I don't know why. I went over to Madelyn's crib and she was laying there smiling away. "Hello." I smiled, she started giggling once she saw me. "How is my beautiful daughter?" I smiled picking her up. "Ah." She giggled "I'm pretty ah too." I smiled, I brought her over to her changing table. "Now we are going to make you the prettiest eight month year old out there." I smiled, I put her in a white dress with red shoes. I wrapped a red bow around her head. "Now you look like such a pretty princess." I smiled, I set her back down in her crib and she contently played with her toys. I took off my clothes and got in the bath. I love my children very much but Madelyn throws up on me so much. But never once on Francis. And James has been throwing up his food lately. On me again. I talked to the physician and he said James may have a reflex issue and it's nothing major. I heard the door open. "Good morning." Francis smiled "I was trying to let you sleep." I smiled "Well our happy little girl was giggling to much she woke me up." He smiled "Isn't her bow cute?" I giggled "So cute." He smiled "It's from Paris." I said trying to reach my back to scrub it. "Let me help you." He smiled, he grabbed the scrub and started gently massaging my back with it. "Your parents are coming today." I said "I know." He said "And how do you feel about that?" I asked "Fine." He said "Francis tell me." I said leaning my back against the wood of the tub. "Mary I don't want to see my father, I'm disgusted with him after what he did to Kenna. I could pretend for a couple months before we came here but he's an animal." He said "I know he disgusts me too but if he is getting worse you need to be respectful to him to protect our family." I said "I'm going to be respectful to him I'm just not going to like it." He smiled "Well If your nice I'll make it worth your while tonight." I smiled "Oh will you?" He smiled "Yes." I giggled, he leaned in and kissed me. "I need to go get James ready." I smiled "Two minutes." He smiled, he took his pants off. "That's all I need." He smiled getting in the tub. "Francis we can't put us first we have children now." I giggled as he lightly suckled on my ear lobe. "I bet you James is playing on his rocking horse right now." He smiled "Francis still." I giggled, he smiled then leaned back in the tub. "I promise I'm all your tonight I just need to get ready." I smiled "I know, I just feel like we only really get private time when it's time to go to bed and by then we're both so tired we fall asleep talking." He said "Yes but we just need to start making time for each other." I said getting out of the tub, I wrapped a towel around me. "It's not that I'm unhappy, I'm so happy, I just want to spend more time with you." He said "Well your parents will want to spend a lot of time with the children so we can have some good quality time." I smiled then kissed his forehead. "I love you." He smiled "I love you too." I smiled then kissed him, I walked to my closet and put my corset on. I put a very formal dress on over because we're greeting members of a royal family. I put on matching shoes and then did my hair. I put a crown on over it. I picked up Madelyn. "Come on, were going to see your brother." I smiled. She smiled at me. "Your such a happy girl." I smiled, I walked to James's room and his mouth was bleeding. "Oh my god James." I said getting Madelyn down on his bed, I ran over to him. "Mommy my tooth came out!" He smiled "Oh thank god." I said "The big one right in front." He smiled pointing to his tooth. "I'm so happy for you." I smiled "Is the tooth fairy going to come?" He giggled "Yes, she's going to leave a very special treat for you." I smiled, I went over and got a rag to clean up the blood. "Now put this under your pillow and she will come tonight." I smiled holding his tooth. "Okay Mommy." He rushed his bed and put the tooth under his pillow. I picked up Madelyn who was rolling around. "Your just going to bonk your head one day." I smiled, I set her down on the rug so I could get James ready. I put him in leather pants, a riding shirt, and a black and gold vest over it. And fixed his messy blond curls, just like I have to do with Francis. "Okay let's go see if your dad is ready." I smiled, I picked Madelyn up and James held my hand. We walked back my chambers and Francis was putting his jacket on. "Dad I lost my tooth!" James ran to him. "Which one?" He smiled "The big one in front, it bleed a ton." James smiled "Nice." Francis high fived him. "Okay boys it's time to go." I smiled "Come on." Francis smiled, James jumped on his back. Francis kissed my cheek. "Let's go." He smiled, we walked down stairs. We walked out to the court yard. After a few minutes the carriage pulled up. Cathrine came out then they closed the door. Where the hell is henry? James immediately ran to her. "Grandma!" He smiled, she smiled and hugged him. "I missed you so much." She smiled "I missed you too." He giggled "Did you loss your tooth?" She smiled "This morning, the one in front." He smiled "Can you show me your baby sister?" She smiled "Yes grandma," He held her hand. "she doesn't talk but my mommy and daddy say that's normal." He giggled "Well does she look like you?" She smiled "She has brown hair like my mommy but she has blue eyes like me." He smiled "Hello Francis." She smiled then hugged him. "It's great to see you mother." He smiled "Now let me see my beautiful granddaughter." She smiled "Here she is." I smiled, I handed her to Cathrine. "You look just like your mother." She smiled, she put her hand up and grabbed Catherine's nose. "She's a very curious baby." Francis laughed "Yes you are." She smiled "Mommy it's so cold." James tugged on my dress. "James sweetheart you can go inside in just a few minutes, we need to finish talking to grandma but I can keep you warm." I smiled, he wrapped himself in my cape. "Well I'm cold too James so we can go inside." She smiled, we all went inside with everyone bowing for the royal family.
Later that evening
We at the royal feast when Madelyn started crying. "Oh sweetheart." I picked her up. "Shh, don't cry." I whispered, trying to travel through all the drunk men. Once I was out I went up to Madelyn's nursery which is right next to Francis's and I's room. I took off her dress, shoes, and bow. I put her diaper on and then a night gown on over it. Once I set her in her crib she stopped crying. "That's my girl." I smiled, I kissed her forehead then went into my room. Francis was in there lighting the fire. By the fire there was layers of blankets and pillows. There was also a bottle of wine and two glasses. "Hello." I smiled "Hello my love." He smiled, he put the meter stick down and came over to me. "Shouldn't the queen and king of Scotland be at the feast?" I giggled "Like you said, were the king and queen, we don't have to do anything." He smiled "Well I see there is a bottle of wine over there." I smiled "Mhm, and Madelyn is sleeping." He smiled "And James?" I asked "With my mother, the whole night." He smiled "Okay then let me change into something more comfortable." I smiled "Same here." He smiled, I took off my clothes and went over to the bed of my blankets. I pulled a fur blanket over me. He came over and got in bed from where I couldn't see but he was probably naked. "Hi." I smiled "Hi." He smiled then kissed me, he grabbed the glasses and poured the wine in. "M'lady." He smiled hanging it to me. "Thank you." I smiled, I sipped it. "So, where the hell is my father?" He laughed "I don't know and I don't know why I'm so afraid to ask Cathrine." I giggled "Me too." He laughed "I get drunk so quickly after two children." I giggled "I just get drunk easily." He said, he looked serious but he both burst out laughing. "Do you miss France?" I asked "Sure I miss it, but I would rather be here with my family." He smiled "Francis if we were married and you could go back right now would you?" I asked "Yes." He said "Francis the alliance with England in secure and Scotland is safe, we can go back before the holidays if you would like." I said "How about this, we spend Christmas, James and Madelyn's birthdays, and at the beginning of summer we will travel back to my home land." He smiled "Okay." I smiled "Okay." He smiled then kissed me. "I'm a little cold, I just lost my clothing some where." I smiled "I'm afraid your going to have to be for specific about what clothing your wearing." He smiled "Come inspect." I giggled.

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