The Walk

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One week later
Francis's point of view
"Mary, Mary wake up." I whispered willing kissing the top of her head. "Francis sweetheart I'm trying to sleep." She said "Mary it's almost noon." I smiled "Well when it's noon you can wake me up." She giggled then closed her eyes. "Bailey! Bailey come get her! Come here!" I said then bailey wagged his tail and jumped on the bed then started licking my face. "No, no get mommy." I said then he went over to Mary and started scratching the covers. "Hi my love." She picked him up and put him on her belly. "Your glowing." I smiled "Thank you husband." She giggled "Wife." I smiled "Look, he will let me hold him like a baby." She said then set him down and wrapped a blanket around him then cradled him. "Wow, your a pro." I laughed "Well bailey is my little baby." She giggled then he licked her face. "It would be so cute to raise a baby with a puppy because then they will be like best friends." I smiled "That would be so cute!" She giggled, I laughed and stared at her. "What?" She giggled "Nothing." I smiled "If it's nothing why are you staring at me with your deep, I'm having an intense thought, look." She giggled "It's nothing other than me staring in awe at your beauty." I said "Mhm okay." She smiled. "Do you want to take bailey for a walk?" I asked "Sure, do you wanna go for a walk?" She smiled at bailey then we both got ready. "Where's his leash?" I asked "It should be in the trunk I packed for him." She said "You packed a trunk for our dog? Mary he's not a child!" I laughed "Well he will be until a baby pops out of me." She giggled "I'm sorry, I did t mean to upset you." I said "Francy you didn't upset me, I know I'm acting a little odd since I found out I wasn't pregnant but I have thought about it a lot and your right, I shouldn't spend days crying and mourning a baby I didn't actually loss and I never had." She said "Mary don't say that." I said walking over to her. "Francis I'm really fine." She said "Mary it's okay if it takes a couple years or so for us to get pregnant, we have time, and if people are angry with you for not getting pregnant who cares about them? I won't ever be angry with you for that." I said "I'm so lucky Your my husband." She hugged me. "I'm the lucky one." I kissed her forehead. "Can we please go on a walk now? I just want it to be me and you though." She said "Okay let's go." I smiled then held her hand and walked out to the gardens. "It's beautiful here." She said "It's not more beautiful than you." I smiled "Your sweet." She giggled then kissed me. "Come sit." I smiled then led her over to a stone bench, she sat on my lap and put her forehead against mine. "I love you Francis Valois." She said "I love you more Mary Valois." I smiled "If we have a little boy I want him to look just like you." She smiled "Well boy or girl they will inherit my dimples." I smiled "I hope so." She giggled "Well our little girl will look just like you, brown hair, brown eyes, beautiful." I smiled "I love when we talk about our future children." She smiled "Well I'm not trying to upset you but if we could get pregnant by Christmas that would be the greatest present." I said "Well we might have to practice making babies." She smiled "Well if you would like to I have another surprise like the gazebo." I said "I'm all yours." She smiled then I picked her up and led her into the woods "Francis where are we going?" She smiled "To a special place." I smiled "And how many girls have you brought here?" She giggled "Only a couple." I laughed then moved the branch's out of they way to revel a bed with at least a foot of fur blankets so we wouldn't be cold and dozens of pillows. "Are you sure no one will see us?" She smiled "Yes, but if some pervert happens to be watching then there will be nothing wrong with it because we're wed." I smiled "Then make love to me francy." She smiled then we left our clothes on the ground leading to the bed. "I love you so, so much." I kissed her all over. "I love you too." She smiled then kissed me.

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