The Picture

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Mary's point of view
For the past week I have been resting and taking care of Madelyn. I miss James very much but Francis says he's doing okay and he just misses me. Madelyn started crying, I got out of bed and it my robe on. I looked at my bed that was covered in breast milk and droll. It was only the bathroom covered in poop and pee. I went over to her crib and picked her up. "Hello my love." I smiled and picked her up, I pulled my nightgown and she started eating. She finished. "Okay now we're going to give mama a little burp." I smiled tapping her back, she burped. "Madelyn that is so good!" I smiled, I laid her down and changed her diaper then wrapped her in a pink blanket. I got back in bed. "Knock knock." Francis smiled walking in holding James's hand "Hello james." I smiled "Mommy!" He smiled then ran and jumped on my bed. "James, be careful of Madelyn." I smiled "I'll take her." Francis smiled, I handed her to him. "It's so nice to see you." I smiled "I missed you so much mommy." He hugged me. "I missed you too." I smiled "Daddy helped me draw a really nice picture." He smiled "Well did you bring it?" I smiled "Yes." He smiled then showed me a picture. "That's you and me playing in the gardens and daddy is holding Madelyn over there." He said "This is such a pretty picture." I smiled "Thank you mommy." He giggled "I'm very sorry that I haven't been able to see you in the past two weeks, it was very painful giving birth to Madelyn so mommy needed to rest for a little while." I said "It's okay, daddy and I played lots of games and it was very fun." He smiled "I'm glad you had fun." I smiled "Mommy can I hold Madelyn?" He asked "Of course you can." I smiled "Yay!" He smiled "Now," I said as we got out of bed and walked over to Francis. "You need to sit on the chaise and I'm going to put these pillows around you to help you support little Madelyn because she's very fragile." I said  "Okay Mommy." He smiled "You also need to make sure that with the help of the pillows you support her head." Francis said "Okay okay okay." He said, Francis and I smiled at each other. Francis gently placed Madelyn is James's arms. Madelyn didn't cry she just fell asleep in his arms. He looked absolutely fascinated by her. "I'm ready to get back to court life, this room is boring me, Madelyn is a very good baby so I just watch her sleep." I smiled "Well once your feeling up for it we can put Madelyn in her nursery and not sleep." He smiled "Yes we can." I giggled "I don't think we could have a more perfect life." He smiled then kissed me. "Ewww." James said "James, be quiet, you don't want to wake Madelyn." Francis said "Oh right." He said "Francis!" I giggled "Shh, you don't want to wake Madelyn." He smiled then kissed me, Madelyn started crying. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Francis smiled and picked up Madelyn form James. "Mommy did I do something wrong?" He asked "No sweetheart, babies cry a lot it's not your fault, she might be hungry or not feel so good." I smiled the tickled him. "Okay Mommy." He giggled.

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