The Climate

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Francis's point of view
I woke up to Madelyn crying. "Mary can you get her?" I asked with my face still in my pillow. She didn't respond. I reached over to wake up but there was no one there. James probably had another nightmare. I went over to Madelyn's crib and picked her up. She's ten months old now and she getting so big. "Hello big girl." I smiled, she continued crying. "Oh come on now, don't cry for your dad." I smiled, she stopped crying. She smiled at me. "Madelyn I just want to let you know that your my favorite and most beautiful daughter and if  I happen to have another little girl with your mother I will love you just the same." I said, she just looked at me with her big blue eyes. She started to fall back asleep. "I can not believe you let me get up just so you can go back together." I shook my head setting her back down in her crib, she immediately fell back asleep. I put my slippers on then went out side. "Clara can you please keep an eye on Madelyn, she's sleeping." I said "Of course your grace." She bowed then walked inside our room. I walked to James's room with guards following me. I walked inside and closed the door. Mary was laying in his bed and James laying on top of her, she had her hand on his back and his hands were wrapped around her. I went over to the bed and James had his eyes open. "Hey buddy." I smiled "I had a bad dream." He said "And did you want mommy to come sleep in your bed?" I asked "Yes she keeps the monsters away." He said "Come here." I picked him up, I walked over to his rocking chair and sat down. "Now, mommy's and daddy's like to sleep in the same bed and I really like to sleep in the same bed as your mommy, and I know you have some bad dreams but maybe you could just come sleep in our room." I said "But when she comes in my room she checks for monsters." He said "James there's no monsters in your room." I said "Mhm, they make noises like whooshhhh." He said "James thats just the wind." I said "It didn't do that in my room in France." He said "Because there is something called a climate, and it's different in France." I said "What's a cimate?" He asked "No climate." I said "Cimate." He said "Close enough." I messed with his hair. "Is grandma coming soon?" He asked "Next week." I said "Okay I'm going to go look out the window for her and grandpa to come." He got off my lap and ran out the door. I went over to his bed and picked up the sheets. I got under and put my hand on Mary's waist. "James go get your father." She rolled over "It's your husband." I kissed her ear. "Well Where's my son?" She giggled "Going to look out the window and wait for my parents to come." I said "And my daughter?" She asked "With her nanny." I said "You know, we haven't had time alone in a very long time." She said "I know because you have been spending the night in here for like two months so I can't even hold you a night." I said "Well my personal chambers are right down the hall and no one would think to look down there." She smiled "Come on." I picked her up. "Mhm we didn't even wait this long to have sex after James." She kissed me. I pressed her against the wall. "Okay it's weird doing this in James's room, let's go." I walked out the door, she started giggling. I walked into her chambers and went straight to the bed. "Ew this is covered in dust." She said "Do you want to go somewhere else?" I asked "No, it's okay." She smiled, I smiled back then leaned in and kissed her. "Do you remember when I first came back?" She asked "Of course I do." I smiled "And you hadn't even spoke to me for five minutes before you kissed me." She giggled "When I see the most beautiful woman in the world of course I want to kiss her." I smiled then kissed her. "I'm in love with you." She said "Good, I have really been wondering if you were for a while." I smiled then kissed her, she started giggling as I kissed her neck.

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