TDAS Re-write episode 11: Zeek and Ye Shall Find

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Total Drama All-Stars Re-Write
Episode 11: Zeek and Ye Shall Find
Re-written and Edited by Joey Turner and Tanya Furness

Chris: (Voiceover, recounting last episode's clips) Last time on Total Drama All-Stars, the teams were no more, and it was a free-for-all race to the floating machines for a regatta to boat around Wawanakwa! But, some floated better than others, for some reason- (Coughs) Mal! (Coughs again). And Chef supplied some dynamite entertainment! Alejandro won the challenge, and Duncan proved he still had a little villain in him (Bitterly) AFTER ALL! (Sniffles a bit, and then recovers) Cameron would have gotten the flush, but he was saved by Duncan's court ordered exit, complete with police escort. That'll learn him! (Laughs)

(Cut to Chris on the dock of shame)

Chris: Ten players move on; soon, one more will be gone! Who will it be? Stick around and see, here on a very special episode of Total Drama All-Stars!

(Opening credits)

(Cut to outside the spa hotel at night; Alejandro is sitting comfortably in the hot tub)

Alejandro: (Sighs happily) This is the life. The life I deserve. The life I will have, after I win the million dollars! (The butler hands him a drink) Butler, would you like to hear a story about me? (The butler just walks away as Alejandro continues talking) I was born a beautiful man-

Chris: (Standing next to the tub, in a towel) Hey, roomie! Since my house got destroyed, looks like I'll be staying here! (Zoom in on annoyed Alejandro; Chris continues talking) Hey, it's no fun for me either! (Chris' towel flies right into Alejandro's face) I lost everything, including my swim trunks! (Zoom out to show Chris now in the tub NEXT to Alejandro... who tosses the towel aside in disgust)

(Cut inside the spa hotel, Alejandro shivering in disgust)

Alejandro: (Groans) que frio! (Suddenly notices another room with a blue glow pouring out) Que, what have we here? (Cut to inside the room, revealing the control room seen in episode 7) So this is how Chris knows all... (Alejandro approaches a box of DVDs) All the footage since we arrived here? (Takes a DVD out of the box) Hmmm, "Mal's greatest hits..." how interesting...

(Alejandro puts the DVD into a nearby player, and it begins showing all of Mal's deeds since he appeared: including breaking Brick's goggles, crushing Sierra's Smartphone, tripping Cameron, attacking Owen [Alejandro cringes at this], knocking out Izzy and Owen, and rigging the votes from last episode. It then cuts to Mal standing outside the loser cabin, holding the tampered votes)

Mal: Time to plant some evidence! (Walks into the cabin)

Alejandro: (Curious) Hola, strange one; what are you up to?

(Mal plants the votes under Alejandro's pillow)

Mal: (Fake shock) Alejandro, how could you? (Laughs as he walks off)

Alejandro: Planting evidence in my loser cabin bed? Nice try, but I will NOT be framed! (He runs off)

(Cut to Cameron, Mal, and Zoey outside the cabin)

Zoey: (Worried) I didn't vote for you, honest!

Mal: (Faking worry) Uh, me neither! But someone's been up to no good! We should search the cabin and see if we find any clues!

(Neither of them notices Alejandro slipping out of the loser cabin silently)

Cameron: Good idea! Thanks, you guys!

(Cut to inside the cabin as the trio enter)

Mal: (Points to the other side of the cabin) Uh, yeah, you guys better check over there!

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