TDAS Re-write Finale part 2: The Final Wreck-Ening

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(Cut back on the lava level; Gwen and Dawn are holding a ladder steady while Zoey slowly makes it across the lava; meanwhile Mal is holding Cameron over his head, flailing his arms and screaming. Courtney and Duncan surround Mal)

Duncan: hey! Put the geek down, Mal!

Mal: (Smirking) if you insist. (Tosses Cameron at Duncan, causing them both to fall onto the lower level, on the safe-ish ground)

Gwen: (Concerned) Duncan! Cameron!

(Zoey steps towards the left of the ladder, but the ladder suddenly catches on fire. Zoey and Gwen gasp)

Dawn: Zoey, hurry! (Zoey quickly sprints to the other side of the ladder, right to the safe-ish ground to the right, just as the ladder burns away)

Courtney: (Annoyed) hey! You cost us all the only way across, creep!! (Raises her arm and prepares to karate chop Mal, but Mal catches it) what the-!?

Mal: shall we dance? (Rams his back right into Courtney, sending her down below. Mal chuckles until a pale fist strikes him on the cheek) ow!

Gwen: (With her fists balled) Jerk! (Lands another punch in Mal's stomach; prepares to throw another one, but Mal catches it, and squeezes her wrist, Gwen grunts in pain)

Mal: (Smirks) buh-bye!

Dawn: no!!

(Mal tosses Gwen below; she lands right on top of Duncan and Cameron)

Gwen: (Gasps) sorry, guys!

Duncan: (Grunts in pain) Didn't... feel a thing. (Cameron groans)

(Noah and Owen paddle up on a slowly dissolving makeshift boat)

Owen: hey, guys; did we miss anything?

(Dawn's scream is heard; everyone looks up to see that Mal is now holding Dawn over his head)

Dawn: (Struggling) I demand you release me at once, and LEAVE ZOEY BE, you beast!

Mal: nah! But, I WILL let you go... right into the toxic waste!! (Tosses Dawn; she starts plummeting towards the toxic waste... and more specifically towards Owen and Noah's boat)

Noah/Gwen/Cameron/Zoey/Owen: (In horror) DAWN!!!!

(Owen quickly holds up Noah over his shoulders, while Noah's arms shoot wide open)

Noah: I've gotcha, Dawn! I gotcha- (Similar to how Noah dive-bombed into Dawn in episode 4, Dawn dive-bombs straight into Noah's arms. The force of the impact causes Owen to start wobbling and rocking the boat; the stern of the boat starts to catch fire) Owen! Get a move on! (Owen, still carrying Noah and Dawn, nervously leaps out of the boat onto the shore just as the boat breaks in two and sinks into the waste)

Mal: (Towards Zoey) I'm coming for you next! (Zoey screams and hastily climbs up the ladder leading to the next level; Mal chuckles and picks up a pogo stick, looking unimpressed) a pogo stick (Looks towards Chris), seriously?

Chris: (Through his megaphone) keep in mind, not all of these items were tested for safety.

Gwen: (Duncan helps her up) and by "not all" you mean none, right?

Chris: (Smiling mischievously) she knows me so well. (Doesn't notice the intern with the ringing cell phone walking up behind him) each one is a death trap just waiting to... (Finally notices the intern, who presses a button on the cell phone and holds it up to Chris' ear) ...should I re-word that?

(Meanwhile, Alejandro and Heather get in a makeshift boat, similar to Owen and Noah's, and push off with one of the sticks. Alejandro whistles as they float. Cut back to the others on the bottom level, Duncan and Cameron hold Gwen up)

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