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A.n. I am so happy to hear that you guys are actually enjoying this story! Also I realized i made a mistake last time and at the end of the chapter I meant to say to day thirteen not day eleven! You are almost to the end of the memories but don't worry, I'm not ending the book just yet! Hope you enjoy! Also what's your favorite part of this story so far? Comment your favorite book on wattpad (it doesn't have to be one of mine and it can't be this one! Though if it is somethings wrong with you lmao) anyways...onward!

Day thirteen:

Danny woke up with a pounding headache. He groaned and sat up. At least he wasn't back there with that man. He got out of the bedroom he was in and walked towards the kitchen to find coffee and donuts set out with a note from Vlad. He smiled and picked up the cup taking a sip. Was it weird that he was hanging here with Vlad of all people and refusing to go home when that was all he wanted to do before was go home? He didn't want to stay but what if his family got mad at him for this? Running away and disappearing for days? He bit his lip and started to cry and shake. He placed his cup down and rubbed his face. Why couldn't he just go home now? Danny groaned and walked back towards the bedroom he was in. He plopped himself down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Would you be more mad at me for running away or for lying to you about where I've been this entire time?" Danny asked the air. "You'll probably shout more...make me feel like shit. All I'll see myself as is a worthless ghost kid...." tears streamed down his face and he wiped them away harshly. "Why do I have to have feelings?"

"Daniel how could you feel this way?" Suddenly Vlad appeared and transforms back into his human counterpart.

"Creep." Danny grumbled as he laughed a little. "Why were you listening to me rant to myself anyways?" Danny patted the seat next to him and Vlad sat down. Danny leaned into him.

"You aren't mad at me?" Vlad asked. Danny shook his head and looked up at Vlad.

"I'm actually thankful for you Vlad, if you didn't show I probably would have put myself down even more." Danny said sadly.

"We need to get you home little badger." Vlad said.

"Have they actually been worried or are you going to lie to me?" Danny asked as he lifted his head.

"They've been worried trust me. I haven't told them where you have been or what has happened but I think you should tell them...you can't hide what's happened to you. That monster mentally scarred you-"

"I don't need that lecture from you...ill probably get it from jazz if I tell her, let's just get out of here and get me home. Can we go tomorrow actually? I think one more day here won't hurt me Vlad...plus it'll help me think of what I'm going to say to them." Vlad sighed and got off the bed.

"Alright Danny, just one more day. I have to go do some running around. Stay out of trouble will you?" Vlad asked. Danny scoffed.

"If I get into any trouble I'll just blame you." Danny layed back on the bed and smirked at Vlad as he rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

"Okay little badger." Vlad chuckled. Danny looked up at the ceiling.

"There was a time when I was alone...nowhere to go and no place to call home. My only friend was the man in the moon and even sometimes he would go away too..." Danny closed his eyes and started singing the lyrics slowly as he thought about what happened when he was trapped with those men. With that man. He shivered as he continued singing suddenly filled with sadness. If he told his family about what happened would they even treat him the same way? Would they think he was just a piece of dirt? He started crying again heavily. His breaths became uneven and he screamed. He bit his lip and sat up pulling himself against the wall and holding his knees to his chest. "I-I cant do this. I can't tell them." Danny wiped at his face and held his knees tighter. He'll just have to lie. Wouldn't be the first time.

A.n. I'm sorry the chapter was short but I hope you liked it any ways!

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