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***I hope you enjoy the first chapter!***

Danny walked besides Sam and Sam beside Tucker as they entered the school. He sighed as Dash came straight for them.

"Hey fenturd, you and I need to chat." He poked Danny's chest. Danny just huffed heavily.

"What about dash?" Danny folded his arms across his chest. "Id rather get to class right now if  you don't mind, rather not be late and get another detention."

"I'm not done with you!" Dash grabbed Danny's arm and Danny yelled in suprise as he felt a wound from last night's ghost battle open up.

"H-Hey Dash leave him alone!" Tucker cried. Dash shoved Danny to the ground and He looked up at dash in anger.

"I'm not doing this." Danny stood and went to walk towards lancers class after picking up his stuff but suddenly dash stopped him.

"Woah Fenton, can't you take a joke?" Dash asked. Sam shoved dash away.

"Get a life Dash." She growled as they walked towards Lancers. "Danny calm down!" Danny turned and looked at Sam, his eyes glowed green for a second before turning blue again.

"I'm sorry I'm just upset-"

"You were going to-"

"Not go ghost." Danny glared at Sam. "If I was going to go ghost on them I would have done so a long time ago." Danny shoved past his friends and into the classroom without another word.

"We were just trying to help you out man!" Tucker huffed as he walked into the room following Danny. Sam looked at Danny curiously and saw that he was looking paler than usual. She sat down and looked at him.

"Danny are you feeling okay?" She asked. Danny shook his head.

"Probobly lack of sleep, I'll be alright. I'll just sleep if we-"

"Now class, I know I said I'd give you two days to work on those presentations but they are now due after tomorrows class." Danny swore under his breath. "You will be paired up with one other person today to discuss what you chose for this presentation and why." He picked up a paper.

"And now to find out which Hell we'll be stuck with." Sam grumbled. Danny yawned and leaned against the desk with his head in his arms. He slowly let his eyes drift close.

----An hour later----

"Mr. Fenton." Danny opened his eyes. "My class is for working not for sleeping. You and your partner are now behind on the discussion. You can make up for it by reading her notes on her topic, do sleep on your own time." Lancer handed him a paper with Paulina written on it and her outline for her project on shopping. Danny rolled his eyes. Real helpful. He collected his stuff and was going to walk out when lancer stopped him. "To kill a mockingbird Mr. Fenton your bleeding!" Danny shrugged his hand off his arm. He touched his head and pulled it away and found the little bit of blood covering his fingertips.

"I'm fine lancer-" lancer shook his head and made Danny sit down in a chair as he called the school nurse. The nurse came in with a wheelchair and Danny glared at lancer.

"I told you I'm fine, I can walk." Danny stood but suddenly felt dizzy. "What the Hell..." He suddenly fell to the floor.

"Mr. Fenton!" The school nurse ran to his side and helped him up. Lancer helped her put him in the chair. He looked at lancer and sighed as he tried to get back up. Lancer put a hand on his chest. "Don't get up." Danny shook his head.

"Please I'm fine-"

"I'll make a call to his parents." Lancer said.

"I'm fine." Danny tried again. The nurse just started to push him out of the classroom, just as the bell rang. Students started to file out into the hallways. Danny struggled to stand up.

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