Part 30 - The Chipmunks and Chipettes Go To Preform, But The Kids Have a Problem

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Sunday, 17th of December, 2:30am
In Alvin's Dream
"Omg, we are going on stage soon!" Called Alvin
"I know, I am excited too! It feels like forever since we last preformed together" replied Brittany
Alvin then turned around and saw his brothers and the other two chipettes
"Is everyone ready to go on stage then?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea I think so" replied Theodore
"Let's go on stage and rock out then" called Simon making Jeanette giggle
The six of them walked onto the stage and told everyone what they was going to sing
However, not even a minute into the song...the crowd was booing them
The crowd was shouting at them to get off the stage and started throwing rotten food at the six of them
"This can't be happening...why do they hate us? What did we do wrong?" Alvin asked himself
Just then, a man's Dog was accidentally let loose and run onto the stage
It chased the Chipmunks and Chipettes around the stage and the six of them tried to escape
The dog pounced on Simon and started barking at him
Simon was then smacked away and landed on Theodore
The dog went closer to Simon and Theodore and growled at them
"No! Simon! Theodore! No! My Brothers!" Shouted Alvin
Brittany kicked the dog and the dog turned around and chased after her
Once the dog caught Brittany it opened its mouth and was about to eat her...
Sunday, 17th of December, 9:30am, At Alvin and Brittany's House
"ALVIN! ALVIN! WAKE UP!" Shouted Brittany
Alvin opened his eyes and saw Brittany looking really worried
"Alvin! Are you ok? What was wrong with you? Was you having a bad dream or something?" Asked Brittany
Alvin rubbed his eyes and replied to Brittany's large amount of questions
"I'm...I'm better now I'm awake...I had a really bad dream, in fact it was more like a nightmare..." Replied Alvin
"I was really worried about was sweating and your heart was beating really fast" explained Brittany
"I'm sorry I worried you..." Replied Alvin
"Don't worry about it, at least I know your do you want to talk about your nightmare or not? I don't mind if you don't" asked Brittany
"It was basically us two, my brothers and your sisters going on stage to preform like normal...but then the crowd started shouting and booing us and a dog was going to eat you..." Explained Alvin
"Oh god, that sounds terrible...but don't worry now, it was just a bad dream and dreams can't hurt you" called Brittany
"Yea that's true" replied Alvin with a smile
"Come on, I will go and cook us some breakfast" said Brittany with a giggle
Alvin got out of bed and went downstairs with Brittany to the kitchen
"Brittany, I should be cooking really not should be sat down relaxing while your pregnant" explained Alvin
"Don't be silly, just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't cook anything for a month" replied Brittany
Just then the house phone started ringing
"I will get it" called Alvin
Alvin went down the hallway, grabbed the house phone and answered it
"Hello?" said Alvin
"Hi Alvin, it's only you and Brittany free this afternoon?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea don't have anything planned, why?" Asked Alvin
"Phew...that's a relief...I got a phone call from the manager at the Mall yesterday evening and he asked if the six of us would preform at 2:30pm today and I said it would be fine" explained Eleanor
"Oh right cool, yea that's fine with me...I will let Brittany know and we will meet you and Theodore at the Mall about 1:30pm" replied Alvin
"Yea 1:30pm is fine and thanks Alvin and thanks to Brittany too, am so glad we can all make it...we haven't seen each other in a while now" said Eleanor
"I know, it's crazy we do need to meet up more often" joked Alvin
"Anyway, see you later at the Mall, bye" said Eleanor with a giggle
Alvin put the phone down and went to tell Brittany about this afternoon
Once Alvin was back in the kitchen, Brittany spoke up
"Who just called us?" Asked Brittany
"It was Eleanor, she has asked if we will preform at 2:30pm today at the Mall with the others and I told her we will do" replied Alvin
Brittany then had a worried look on her face
"What's wrong? We don't have anything planned do we?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"No but I'm a few weeks pregnant now and I won't be able to hide it...oh what will people say?" Asked Brittany
"I'm not sure, I mean we didn't tell everyone that you was pregnant before and not many people aside from family, know we have kids" explained Alvin
"That's because the first time I was pregnant we avoided all consorts so no one would find out...this afternoon could break out reputation" said Brittany in a worried voice
"Brittany, you are over reacting...please trust me everything will be fine" said Alvin in a serious voice
Brittany sighed "Ok I will trust you..." Replied Brittany in a sad voice
"Shall we take our kids to the Mall with us?" Asked Alvin
"Yea we will have too, they are still a bit young to stop at home" replied Brittany
"I will give Emma £20 then and then Emma can look after the others...they can go shopping or go for some food together" called Alvin
"I will make sure Emma has her mobile charged then before we go" said Brittany with a smile
Same Day, 1:20pm, At The Mall
After a lot of talking and persuading, Alvin had got Brittany and the kids to the Mall
"Brittany, I told you not to worry...I don't think people will judge you in a negative way just because your pregnant" called Alvin
"I am just so worried about going on stage, incase our reputation gets ruined" said Brittany
"Don't worry Mum, things will be ok" said Coco
"Thanks, Emma is your phone charged up?" Asked Brittany
"Yea my phone is on full charge" replied Emma
"Here is £20, now Emma look after your brothers and sisters and enjoy yourself for the next couple of hours" explained Brittany
"I will do and Mum please don't worry" replied Emma with a smile
"See you both later" said Peter
Emma and her siblings then went off on there own and the first place they went was KFC since Musharna and Lucas were hungry
"Are you two going to be able to eat all that chicken in that bucket?" Asked Peter
"Yea course we will" muffled Lucas
"Don't talk with your mouth full please..." Said Coco
Just then, Emma jumped in shock
"What's wrong sister?" Asked Coco
"Look at this post on Twitter" said Emma in a surprised voice
Emma passed her phone to Coco and Coco jumped in shock too
"Who would say such a thing?" Asked Coco
"Don't know but that's just wrong to say online" replied Emma
"What does it say?" Asked Peter
"It says, Alvin and Brittany have been kidnapping children from the park and have been torturing them at home, forcing them to do inappropriate things with them both or with each other" said Emma in a sad voice
"That can't be true, Mum and Dad do nothing like that to us or any other child for that matter" said Coco
"Who ever it is, really hates our parents" called Peter
"I'm going to find out who has been putting up negative posts like this one, online and am going to make sure they stop! It's not fair to ruin someone else's life with lies!" Shouted Emma in an angry voice
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked and enjoyed this part 🎉 Who do you think is putting the negative posts online? Do you think Emma will find out who it is and go after them?
Also, when Alvin and Brittany hear about the negative posts online, how will it effect them? Will people believe the negative posts? Will it be the end for the Chipmunks and Chipettes reputation? 🤔
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Sorry I haven't updated this book in a while guys...will try to update more often, at least once a week from now on...
By the way, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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