Part 17 - Jimmy...Please, Leave Me Alone and Let Me Have Some Personal Space

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Wednesday, 8th of November, Same Day, 7:30pm, At The Care Home
This had been a long evening shift for Emma at the care home
She didn't mind looking after the old people, that wasn't the problem....Jimmy was
Over the past two and a half hours Jimmy had been following Emma like a lost dog
He hadn't left Emma alone since they first said hello at 5pm
Right now, Emma was taking in all the pots from meals time from the old people so she could wash up
"Have you done with your dinner Dorris?" Asked Emma
"Yes dear, I have done" replied Dorris
"How about you Mark, have you done with your dinner?" Asked Emma
"Don't touch me! I don't want any assistance from anyone!" replied Mark
"I just wanted to know if..." Started Emma before she was cut off
"Go away!" Called Mark
Emma didn't argue with the resident, it wasn't worth it
She just walked away and took the plates she had gathered into the kitchen
As Emma started washing the pots, Jimmy walked in
"Hi Emma, are you ok?" Asked Jimmy
"For the 20th time, yes I'm fine" replied Emma
"Sorry for asking so much...I just care about you...wouldn't want you to get hurt" replied Jimmy
"Thanks for caring but I'm fine Jimmy, in fact why don't you go and ask the other old people if they have finished their dinner and to bring the plates in if they have" suggested Emma
"Yea I will do that for you" replied Jimmy
As soon as Jimmy left the kitchen, Emma gave a sigh of relief
"Finally, I can have a 10 minutes or so to myself" Emma said to herself
Jimmy come back with the remaining plates and passed them to Emma for washing up
By the time the plates were washed up it was 7:55pm so Emma went to the staff that worked there and asked if she was ok to go
The staff replied "yes you can go home now, thank you so much for coming you have been amazing with all the residents here"
Emma was about to leave till Jimmy grabbed her arm
"What are you doing?" Asked Emma trying to stay calm
"I...I say you" replied Jimmy
"Go on then, but make it quick I have to go somewhere else soon" lied Emma
"Are you going on the school trip to Paris?" Asked Jimmy
"Oh no, I can't tell him I am going, he will want to follow me all the time....but I can't really lie to him, if he finds out he I have lied to him I will feel guilty" Emma thought to herself
"Um...I'm not sure yet, my Mum and Dad are still discussing it" replied Emma
"Oh...right...if you do go, let me know...I would like to go around Paris with you" called Jimmy
"Look Jimmy...I am going to say this in the nicest way possible. Could you please leave me alone for a few weeks...or even a month and let me have some personal space please?" Asked Emma
"Oh...yea sure, I can do that" replied Jimmy looking a little confused
Emma then pulled her arm away from Jimmy
"Thanks. Anyway I got to go" said Emma quickly leaving the care home
Emma got outside and looked for Alvin. Once she saw him she run to him, grabbed his arm and they set off walking straight away
"Hi Dad, tonight was good but I need to get home" said Emma quickly pulling Alvin
"Hey, what's the rush?" Joked Alvin
"There is something on TV I want to watch" replied Emma
"Something on TV? You don't watch much TV" said Alvin in a shocked voice
"I know but there is something I want to watch to tonight" replied Emma
Alvin and Emma got back home after 15 minutes of walking and when they entered the house there was a lot of noise coming from the kitchen
Alvin and Emma went in the kitchen to see what was going off
"Look at the water park! That looks amazing!" Called Lucas
"Yea I know, I hope we get to go on the school trip" said Musharna
"What are you talking about?" Asked Emma joining the others at the table
"There is a water park in Paris! It looks great! We have to go" replied Peter
Emma looked at the images on the laptop of the water park and was surprised
"Wow, that does look good actually, hope we get to go with school" called Emma
With that, the kids spent the rest of the evening looking at the photos of the water park online
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked and enjoyed this part. Do you think Emma enjoyed and learned anything new from her work experience at the care home? Do you think the kids will get to go to the water park on the school trip?
Also, do you think Jimmy will listen to Emma and give her some personal space/not follow her all the time?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also the water park in Paris I am talking about is called "Aquaboulevard" just incase you was wondering 😉
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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