Part 11 - Exciting News About An Upcoming School Trip

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Tuesday, 7th of November, 8:40am, On The Way To School
It was the next day and Alvin was walking the kids to school
However, they wouldn't stop thanking him and Brittany after what they told the kids this morning
"Thanks so much Dad! I can't believe you are letting us buy any DVD we want!" Called Peter in a happy voice
"And we can buy a few bags of Doritos and sweets?" Asked Coco
"Yea that's right, that's what me and Brittany told you all this morning" replied Alvin
"I'm so excited for tonight after school now!" Called Musharna
"So what DVD shall we buy?" Asked Emma
"A superhero film, I think superhero's are awesome!" Lucas jumped in
"No I don't like about a Disney film?" Suggested Coco
"No, they are for girls" replied Peter
"That's not entirely true but I see where you boys are coming from" said Emma
Alvin and the kids were now at school and Alvin said bye to each of them and watched them go into school before settling off walking again for work
"Anyway, we can decide what we are buying later...what lesson do we have first?" Asked Musharna
"It's either that one with numbers or that funny guy trying to teach us French" called Lucas
"I think you mean Maths or Languages" corrected Emma
"Oh please stop it with all the facts" complained Lucas
"Hey leave Emma alone, I don't want you two to start fighting" called Peter
"Ok fine!" Called Lucas walking away
"Um...should we tell the boys what lesson they have first?" Asked Coco
"No, we better not go near Lucas for a while till he has calmed down a little" replied Emma
"Besides, Peter will know what lesson they both have first" said Musharna
"I'm glad we are not with them in any lessons until dinner time" called Coco
"Ok girls, shall we go to the languages lesson?" Asked Emma
"Yea sure" replied Musharna
Musharna Coco and Emma walked around school and finally found there classroom
They three of them went inside and everyone was looking at them as they went in the classroom
Luckily the teacher was not in the classroom so it saved them some embarrassment
The three girls all sat together at the same table waiting for the teacher to arrive
"I hope Peter and Lucas are not late for there maths lesson...Do you think they will have found there classroom?" Asked Coco
"Yes I'm sure they are fine stop worrying please sister" asked Musharna
Just then, Mr Cooper came into the classroom
"Ok class, please be quiet and listen up!" Shouted Mr Cooper
A few people were still talking so Mr Cooper used the air horn and the noise made everyone go silent
"That's better, now I have a big announcement to make" called Mr Cooper
"Next month, there is going to be a school trip to Paris for almost a full school week. The date of the trip will be Monday 11th of December till Friday 15th of December. I say almost a full school week because the coach arrives at school at 11:30am on the Monday and you come back home early hours of the Friday like 6am" explained Mr Cooper
"Wow girls that sounds amazing!" Called Musharna
"Yea I know would love to go on that school trip" said Coco
"Also, the price will be £90 per student and that is a good deal and that will pay for your travel, your hotel and meals. If you are interested in coming on the school trip, there will be an assembly held for it at dinner time this week on Friday giving more information" explained Mr Cooper
"We have to go on this school trip girls" called Coco
"Yea I know, let's ask Mum and Dad tonight after school" suggested Musharna
"You two, I know we all want to go on the school trip but we don't know if Mum and Dad can afford all three of us to go" explained Emma
"All we can do is ask them and hope they can" said Coco
"Settle down everyone, we are going to practice some more French words and sentences this morning. Here is a work sheet, put the English word in French and I will tell you the answers later" explained Mr Cooper
With that, Mr Cooper walked around the classroom giving everyone a worksheet to work through, translating English words to French words
However, Musharna Coco and Emma couldn't stop thinking about the school trip to Paris. They all wanted to go on it but it was up to Alvin and Brittany and if they could afford to let the three of them go
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope liked and enjoyed this part. Do you think the girls will ask Alvin and Brittany after school, if they can all go on the school trip? If so what do you think they will say to the girls?
Also, do you think the boys will find out about the school trip? Will they want to go on the school trip too?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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