Part 24 - A Bit of Sightseeing Around Paris

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Wednesday, 13th of December, Same Day, 11am, In Paris
The kids had just left the hotel this morning after breakfast and Mr Cooper said that today they could go around in groups and explore Paris
The five of them had been talking all morning of places to go too in Paris and they all decided that they wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower
With that in mind, they all walked around some shops first and made there way towards the Eiffel Tower
"Can we have a look in this shop too?" Asked Coco
Coco and Musharna went inside the souvenir shop while Emma waited outside with Peter and Lucas
"Yea sure, no rush" replied Emma
"Oh man, I hate shopping! I wish we just went to the Eiffel Tower first!" Complained Lucas
"Calm down bro, we will get there soon" said Peter in a happier voice
"Can't we just start walking to the Eiffel Tower on our own?" Asked Lucas
"No, we will just have to wait for them so they don't lose us....they shouldn't be long" replied Emma
Inside the souvenir shop, Coco and Musharna were looking around for something they could take home with them to give to Alvin and Brittany
"What kind of present do you think Mum will like?" Asked Musharna
"Not sure, I think Mum likes chocolate...but that will probably have melted before we get home" replied Coco
"Dad likes beer but I don't think we will be allowed to buy that without an adult" called Musharna
Coco then noticed some fridge magnets and small pot Eiffel Tower's
"Why don't we take a couple of fridge magnets home for Mum and Dad" suggested Coco
"Yea the fridge magnets are small enough for us to pack and take home" replied Musharna
They spent a few minutes deciding which two magnets to buy and Coco picked up the two they wanted
"I saw them small pot Eiffel Tower's too, shall we buy one of them as well?" Asked Coco
"Yea, why not...Mum and Dad will probably like the pot Eiffel Tower anyway" replied Musharna
Musharna grabbed a pot Eiffel Tower and they both went to the till and paid for it and the fridge magnets
"We better go back to the others, Lucas hates waiting around" called Musharna
They both left the shop and meet the rest of the group outside
"Finally! Your here! Now we can get going!" Called Lucas starting to walk away
"What's in the bag?" Asked Peter
"A small present for Mum and Dad, we will show you later at the hotel" replied Coco
The five of them continued walking around Paris and after 20 minutes or so, they made it to the Eiffel Tower
"Wow, have you seen the size of that thing!" Called Musharna
"I know! It's huge!" Replied Coco
"We can go up it if you want to?" Asked Emma
"Do you mean like climbing it? Like Spider-Man? That would take a while for us to climb up, we're not as experienced as Spider-Man" asked Peter
"No stupid! There is a lift we can use to go up the Eiffel Tower, you clown!" Replied Lucas
"I'm not too good with heights, I think I will stay here at the bottom" said Musharna
"Are you sure? Do you want one of us to wait with you?" Asked Emma
"I don't mind waiting here on my four go up the Eiffel Tower and enjoy yourselves" replied Musharna
With that, Emma Coco Peter and Lucas all went to the lift and went up the Eiffel Tower in it
After a few minutes, the lift reached the top floor
Lucas run out of the lift, to the railing and looked down to see how high they was
"Wow, we are really quite high up now" said Coco
"I know but I'm sure you will like the view from up here" called Emma
Emma Coco and Peter joined Lucas and all enjoyed the view
Just then, someone called Emma's name
Emma turned around looking for the person that called her
Emma saw the person and put on a fake smile
"Oh no...I can't believe I came up here at the same time as Jimmy" Emma thought to herself
"Guys, I won't be long I just got to go and say a quick hello to Jimmy" explained Emma
"That's ok we will wait here for you" replied Peter
Emma walked over to Jimmy and immediately Jimmy tried to hug her
Emma put her arm out and stopped Jimmy coming closer
"What are you doing?" Asked Emma
"Sorry...I was trying to give you a hug..." Replied Jimmy
"It's ok...I didn't expect seeing you up here" said Emma
"Me neither..." Replied Jimmy with a small laugh
"But while your here....can I ask you something?" Asked Jimmy
Emma just simply nodded
"Can we go out on a date tonight?" Asked Jimmy
"Date?" Repeated Emma in a surprised voice
"Well...maybe not a date but can we go out and have a few hours together?" Asked Jimmy
Emma sighed and gave in to her conscience that was telling her no
"Yea...ok...what time and place?" Asked Emma
"Um...reception after 6:30pm" replied Jimmy
"Ok cool, I will be there...but remember it's not a date" called Emma
"Oh..yea, yea....I know that...see you later then at 6:30pm" replied Jimmy
"Yea...bye for now" replied Emma
"Oh for crying out loud....why do I do this to myself..." Emma thought to herself
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked and enjoyed this part. Do you think Emma will have a good time with Jimmy later? Or do you think Jimmy will just annoy her? What do you think Emma's siblings will say when Emma tells them she is going out for a few hours with Jimmy?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Anyway, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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