Evil Witch

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Since I haven't posted a while on this book which I will eventually I'm just trying to focus on school I just posted a little something on my Timothy Granaderos book. So I'm going to add an Bonus chapter for you hopefully this will hold you for a while. Enjoy the bonus chapter.


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3rd POV

In a place outside of New Orleans there's a coven of witches the same coven of witches once again doing a ritual to contact Angels mother better known as The Evil Witch.

The witches chant and chant in a circle a blue ball of light comes up from the middle of the circle. Then out of no where a woman a beautiful woman stands in the middle of the circle it's Lori Labonair better know as the Evil Witch.

Lori glares at the other witches: I told you I wanted her in New Orleans what part of that don't you understand.

One witch who has the balls to stand up and talk to the witch his name is Joseph.

Joseph: We didn't know until it was to late.

Lori turns around and locks eyes with the man: Well bring her back.

Joseph: We can't she's kinda gone at the moment.

Lori with no emotion: What do you mean she's kinda gone at the moment. Is my daughter dead.

A lady stands up her name is Kylie: No her doppelgänger possessed her by using a traveler spell.

Lori: Adeline is not a traveler how is that even possible.

Joseph: Katherine and Nikolina have there ways of doing things especially Katherine she'll do anything to protect her sister.

Lori groans: Is there anything else I need to know.

Another witch stands up his name is Davis.

Davis: Her siblings-excuse me your other children they may be all separated across the US but there researching. I mean Aleah she's already found her blood family it's only a matter of time until the four Labonair children unite to take-

Lori throws out her hand at Davis who seems to be paralyzed and freaks out saying he can't move she then makes a fist with her hand causing Davis to drop to his knees and choke.

Lori: How long have you known about this.

Davis: Since y-you killed J-Julia.

She releases her hand letting Davis free.

Lori: Very well. Since Aleah was the first to become a Vampire I got her handled always did from the get go.

Joseph frowns: What do you mean.

Lori chuckles darkly thinking of an old memory: I mean Aleah's adoptive parents I had a vampire compel her father with specific directions. Every that happens to her is because of me every time someone she loves hurt her, leave her or just dies is because of Me and that boy she loves what's his name Damon- no Sil- Stefan Stefan is his name I got something in store for him. As for the Petrova sisters they got in the way and there doing a pretty damn good job from what I heard.

The witches block out everything else from what she said besides Aleah's adoptive.

Kylie gasp: Your the reason why Aleah was abused you say that she's the evil one but you-y-you caused your own daughter pain physically and Mentally.

She feigns hurt: Aleah is pure evil ladies and gentlemen she was literally born that way. S-

Kylie: No one is born pure evil. You caused her to be this way all the pain in her past is gonna catch up to her-corrupt her in ways we can't even imagine. You say she's a monster but your the one who created her. Used dark magic while you were pregnant with her not even 2 months yet. She didn't choose the darkness Lori the Darkness chose her. It will stay with her until she dies.

Lori holds back her anger: Find my other children and make sure they don't find each other and most importantly Aleah.

Davis: No way.

Lori's eyes glow there powerful blue the dark magic inside her. The ground begins to rumble as the stones and car alarms blare through the night. Out of no where a child around the age of 10 comes running out chanting a spell the mother sees her child. It's Kylie.

Kylie screams: Jada No.

Out of anger Lori's hand begins to glow blue and she throws her hand out at the young but powerful girl clenches her fist and Crack Lori snaps the poor girl neck as  Kylie crys out running to her child but before she can get there Lori smirks and whispers "incendia" causing Jada to burn and poor Kylie to jump back.

Lori's eyes go back to normal as the coven stares at her with mix emotions.

Lori closed her eyes and she vanished going back to the other side waiting for information on her children. When she's gone and Note floats down to where she was standing Davis walks over to it. He reads it aloud.

"I trust you will find my children and make sure they don't find each other. If not the same thing will happen to your children as it happen to Kylie's daughter Jada or a worst then having dark magic inside them for there mortal lives which eventually will eat them up and kill them slowly since there not immortal. Joseph you will find my daughter, Kylie you will find my oldest son and Davis you will find my youngest Son and I will make sure Aleah doesn't do anything stupid. Live your lives with your children. I'll keep in touch. Do not disobey me."

Then just like that the letter burned to flames once everyone knew what was going down. The coven of witches were Lori Labonairs slaves for the time being. Although one day they will be free and there's only one thing that would set them free from the Evil Witch.

The Labonair siblings uniting to take down there mother who's not only destroying there lives but everyone around her.


It's been a while.

What do you think of this bonus chapter.

Should I do another.

I have a question too.

Since y'all hate Amelia do you guys want me to skip up to where she dies and Angel comes back.

Btw if you didn't already know Aleah is Angel.

So I will do it if you say yeah cuz that's one of my favorite parts when Amelia and Katherine dies.

Love y'all and schools going great.


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