All hail the New king of New Orleans

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I'm in Klaus's car I forgot all about Baby I'll find her eventually.

He stops at this big place and I raise an eyebrow not really knowing why we're here besides talking to this guy Marcel. Wait that's right Klaus doesn't talk he kills.

Klaus and I are side by side walking into this place that has an the letter 'M' stamped over it. I guess it stands for Mikealson's no wonder he wants it's back.

There a black guy standing in the middle of the room with a smirk he must be Marcel. He looks over at me eyes go up and down my body before looking back at Klaus.

Marcel: Klaus.

Klaus: You've been avoiding my calls.

Marcel: Little pissed off lately.

Klaus: Apologies for my behavior can come later. You have something of mine. I want it back.

Marcel pulls out something from behind him and it looks like a dagger.

Marcel: Sorry, but I can't do that.

He holds out the dagger to his side, and Rebekah enters the courtyard and takes it from him. Okay shits about to go down.

Klaus: What is this?

Rebekah: Apologies for your behavior? You don't apologize, Nik. You just act. I've had enough. We have had enough. I'm sure Angel has.

I groan not wanting to be part of the conversation.

Klaus: Look at you. Finally in possession of the one thing that can take you down. How does it feel?

Rebekah: Great.

Bex looks at me: You should go home Angel.

I feel two pairs of eyes on me.

Marcel: Or she can join us. She's obviously forced to be around him.

Klaus: No she's not. She's actually on my side and she can speak for herself.

Klaus looks at me while I look over at the Two vamps who are older than me.

Angel: This is me being on his side willingly. I choose Klaus and Rebekah you'll be stupid if you choose him over Klaus.

Marcel glares at me: Very well.

Marcel then whistles and a dozen or two vampires come out of no where and I feel like I'm finna die.

Klaus laughs.

Klaus: So this is it? The evil bastard Klaus has gone too far, must be punished. And by his own sibling, nonetheless. How positively biblical. And you, Marcel, is this--

He points at the vampires around us.

Klaus: -- your idea of a hit? I taught you better than this paltry excuse for a take-down. Do you think you can subdue me with this!?

Marcel: No. But I think I can with this.

Marcel whistles more and dozens more vampires appear and fill the balconies.

I mutter knowing the vampires can hear me: Well I'm fucked.

The vampires come rushing down surrounding Klaus and I Which makes me move closer to the cocky Hybrid. Marcel and Rebekah stare at us both. Klaus suddenly spreads his arms with a smirk on his face.

Klaus: Let's end this charade, shall we? Vampires of New Orleans! Do recall that I am an Original. A hybrid. I cannot be killed. Eternity is an awfully long time. How long, do you think, Marcel will stay in power? What if one of you lot were to release me, knowing I will be eternally in your debt? Oh, I would pity those of you who dared to cross me. I can assure you, your ends would be spectacular. To borrow a trick from an old friend.

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