Chapter 1- New Beginnings

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(Gemma POV)

I woke up at the sound of Black Veil Brides pounding through my phone speaker. I stir awake and lay on my side checking the time. Eugh! 4:30 a.m is way too early to be waking up. I shut my alarm off, snuggling deep back into my sleeping bag in hopes of catching at least another 10 minutes of sleep. As soon as I got comfortable, someone burst through the door and laid on my bed beside me. I turned to see who it was, opening my eyes just a creak. I turned and saw jake cuddled up into my luscious pillow. Lance is my older brother who will be 17 at the end of August. He is totally protective of me and I love him for that, honestly i do, but sometimes just a little too strong. I shove his shoulder to wake him up.

"Lance what the cheese puffs are you doing in my room?" I groggily ask him.

" I figured that if I was in here with you Mom-zilla wouldn't come to wake us up for us to leave in a couple hours," he replies his eyes still shut.

I was about to tell him to get the cheetos up, but then I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. I immediately shut my eyes, turning my back to the door. There was a small knock before the door was opened.

" Gem wake up we have to start packing up our sleeping bags so we can head to the airport in time for our flight, dépêchez-vous! (hurry up!)" my mom says before walking to my room and to wake up Lance.

" Lance se lever (Lance get up)! I know you aren't sleeping. We need to leave in a few hours," my mom says shaking him awake.

I hear Lance groan as he starts to get up. He starts rolling up his sleeping bag and pillow. After wrapping up his bag, he gets up and starts walking out. Once he closes the door, I get up as well packing my sleeping bag and pillow. It only took about five minutes to do since it is such a miniscule task. My carry-on back pack was packed and ready to go, so I grabbed my outfit for the day. A pair of black yoga pants, a dark violet purple tank top, a warn pair of moccasins, and a warm One Direction sweatshirt. I threw them onto the floor spread out so you could see the whole outfit before jumling into the shower. It was a quick one considering I knew my mum was going to come in to tell me to hurry up in a few minutes. I barely had time to sing a song in the short shower I took, it was kind of upsetting. Jumping out of the shower I took my thick, curly, dark hair and threw it into a quick bun before brushing my teeth. I finished using the bathroom and went back into my room putting my clothes on to get warm again. I grabbed the last of my belongings before heading downstairs to the bare kitchen.

"Êtes-vous prêt à aller (are you ready to go?)" my father asks as he puts his shoes on.

" Yeah I am as ready as I'll ever be," I mumble heading to the taxi van out front.

Mom and Lance are already seated in the car when I walk out. I sit in the back, back seat next to Lance, before putting my headphones in my ears and leaning my head on his shoulder. The music helps me escape from the world. I may only be 15, but I find that the music releases me of everything. I live for it. I breathe through it in dance, it's my passion. I must have too far away to notice but when I do I see that we are already at the airport getting ready to hop out at our terminals exit. My Dad hands the taxi man his money and we hop out grabbing all of our bags. We stand in line behind 5 other families, before getting to the front of the line. Standing next to my mom as she speaks to the check in lady i start to wonder how the hey hey all these people are awake at this ungodly hour. Turning you look at your older brother.

"Lancey how is it that all of these people are awake so early le matin (in the morning)?" I ask him.

"I don't know Gemstone. If it were me, i would be asleep for a good other 8 hours," he says smiling down at me.

"You know i really hate it when you do that," i say pointedly.

" Do what?"

" When you look down on me, just because you are 6'3" and have a major height gain on me, does't men you have to flaunt it in my face," I glare at him, as the smirk on his face gets wider.

Before I could say anything more my Mom called to us.

"Come on kids we need to go through security," she says before yawning. Its early for her too.

You see us Puzzely's are NOT morning people. As beautiful as it is in France, where we are moving from, in the morning, waking up just doesn't agree with us.

Stepping into the airport, we go into the long security line to get into the terminal. After about a 15 minute wait we finally made it to the front if the line. I began taking off all my gizmos and gadgets placing them carefully into the bucket. My parents and brother didn't get out of the scanner tube for about 5 minutes, so as they were finishing up, I grabbed all of our stuff and brought it to a near by bench, so we can get settled. After we all had our gear we went up the escalator into the terminal. Before getting to the gate, we stopped at Panera Breads to get breakfast. By the time we had our stuff it was time to board the flight. I am really scared about it because this is the first flight that I have ever taken, that I can remember, and I have seen a whole bunch of scary stuff about airplanes on the news lately. It is totally scaring the poop out of me. Lucky for me once we get on the plane, Lance calls the window seat so, I don't have to worry about seeing what is outside the plane. We were seated on the plane, and I guess Lance could tell that I was nervous because he grabbed my hand and smiled at me reassuringly. We both looked out of the window as the plane started to accelerate.

"Lance I-I- I'm n-nervous," I stutter.

As the last words leaves my mouth we begin acending off the ground. Holy shoot I think as we go higher into the air. I begin to hyperventilate a little bit because I have a massive fear of heights and I am claustrophobic.

"Its okay Gems, its okay," Lance says kissing my forehead before putting my earphones in my ears. I lean into his comforting side before glancing out of the window towards the sunrise.

"Here's to a new beginning," I mumble drifting into a comfortable sleep.

✨ Welcome to the first chapter of my new story!! Comment and Vote. Hate is a motivator, so you can hate all you want but you are only making me better. Updates on Friday nights California time. Hope you liked it!✨

Eden Aenea.💋

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