Chapter 14

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Blake's P.O.V

Somedays I feel like I'm never going to get better. I'm always gonna be that loser band member that no one cares about. The one that's constantly depressed or who hurts himself. Some days I still feel like everyone is just pretending to care and George is just dating me to make fun of me. I get it he doesn't want to come out to the fans but I don't know it kind of sucks hiding it. I mean I would still be hiding if it wasn't accidently spilled all over the internet. Any time I post a picture on Instagram it's either

"Eww he's so ugly"

"Honestly why is he still in the band"

"He's so fat omg"

"He just cuts for attention"

"Wouldn't be surprised if he was in love with Reece or George."

"No one will ever love him."

It never ends, maybe their right. I didn't even notice I was crying or that anyone even came into the living room till I heard Reece's voice.

"Hey Blakey what's up?" he asked as he sat down beside me.

"They just won't stop Reece!" I said crying.

"The fans? Or the Voices?" Reece asked

"BOTH! It's like the second I have a small bit of happiness it gets taken away!" I cried more.

Reece didn't say anything but he pulled me into a hug. I just cried more and more till I felt my eyes falling close and soon I was asleep.

Reece's P.O.V

We had the day off today I saw George still asleep in his room but Blake's was empty. Which did worry me a bit because I know he's not himself lately. I went downstairs to make myself something to eat. Then I heard Blake crying so I went over and sat beside him.

"Hey Blakey what's up?" I asked carefully sitting beside him.

"They just won't stop Reece!" he said crying.

"The fans? Or the Voices?" I questioned, because I knew he got hate but I also knew he had the voices in his head sometimes.

"BOTH! It's like the second I have a small bit of happiness it gets taken away!" he kept crying.

I didn't really know what to say, but I knew he was broken in a lot of ways so I just hugged him and let him cry and after a while I noticed his breathing even out singling he fell asleep. I moved carefully to a laying position which was comfier for me and probably Blake too even though he was sleeping anyways. I heard my stomach growl I sighed since I can't move Blake I'm stuck starving till George wakes up. I scrolled through twitter and Instagram for a while then decided on turning on the TV.

"Awe well aren't you two adorable." I heard George say

"I promise I'm not trying to steal him from you" I said laughing.

"I know he was crying I can see it on his face." George smiled sadly

"OH! Hey you know what you should do?" I asked smirking

"Take my boyfriend back? Yes sounds good to me" he said laughing.

"I mean yes you could but do you really want to wake him knowing he probably doesn't sleep much?" I said smirking.

"Ok fine what do you want" George said rolling his eyes. I laughed.

"Can you PLEASE make me some food, that's the reason I was down here but then I heard Blake crying and I obviously couldn't ignore him." I said smiling.

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