Chapter 9

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Rusty had gotten to his feet. He was still alone. The old dude (...something isn't right...) and the frog-dog hadn't returned, but that didn't bother him as much as the fact that they appeared to be talking to each other as they left. Not, like, how someone would talk to their pet, but as if they were individuals. Like, the frog-dog was actually a person.

Talking frog-dog, he thought. He clenched his eyes shut. Counted to five. Opened his eyes. Nothing had changed. The dream, or nightmare, or whatever this was, hadn't ended. Even the glowing fire thing on top of the column in the center of the room was still there, suspended by nothing. He might find a wire if he looked, he supposed... or he might not, so it was best to just assume it was connected somehow, or maybe it was stuck in clear glass (that he couldn't see 'cause it was really clean), like... like... "Like one of those Van Der Graaff generators Mr. Andrews showed us last semester!" he exclaimed. The memory had popped into his head with a suddenness that made him dizzy. "That has to be it!... Maybe."

Or... not. But as strong as the memory was, and as much as he tried to hold on, it was slipping away, vanishing into the fog of his addled brain. Then it was gone, and he felt a sense of loss. Followed by a sense of grim determination. First order of business was to get out of his wetsuit, which was starting to feel more than a little irritating now that it was dry and salt-encrusted. He removed the Velcro clasp around his neck, and flicked the short strap that was attached to the wetsuit's zipper over his shoulder. Then he stood up and reached behind with one hand to grab the strap, when it occurred to him that, apart from his boardshorts, he was buck naked from the waist up.

"Well, they'll have to get me some clothes, then," he said out loud, and started pulling on the zipper.

"Not yet, Rusty," Sonic said, and Rusty almost fully jumped out of his skin, let alone his wetsuit. She had appeared at the doorway behind him, as if by magic. Heck, maybe she had used magic.

"I'm not sure what'll happen if I try synthesizing you some clothes," Sonic continued. She looked behind her, then back at Rusty. "This darn house tried to keep me out just now, but pfft, it can try. Still, let's wait and see if the magician has anything that will fit you." She glanced around the room. The Custodian was nowhere to be seen, and she hadn't encountered him when she came in. "Wherever the dodgy old dude is," she finished.

"Holy crap, how'd you get here so quick? I thought you were with the other kid."

"He's still outside. I told him to wait."

"Wait, you speak their language?"

"Yep. I haven't given them a Vegemite sandwich, though."

"What?" Rusty was genuinely puzzled.

Sonic sighed. To be fair, not only had she just quoted a song that was released probably several decades before Rusty was even born, the kid couldn't even remember how he'd ended up here. "Never mind. Yes, I speak their language. Kind of." She walked up to him. "Listen, I want you to come outside. I need you to see something."

"Huh? See what?"

Sonic opened her mouth to speak. Close it. Opened it again. "You know, most people in these circumstances say dumb things like 'just come and see', or 'you'll have to see it first', or 'when you see it, you'll understand'," she said, "but I always hated that. So... I want you to come outside and see the sky, Rusty. You're gonna be introduced to a new reality, you get me? And if you panic... when you panic, I'll calm you down."

"Okay," Rusty said. He literally didn't know what else to say.

Sonic held her hand out to him, and now Rusty did panic, a little. He hadn't held a girl's hand since primary school. Of course, he had shaken her hand earlier, but that was different!

"Oh whatever," Sonic said, exasperated. "Just take my hand, idiota."

"Far out, you really do read minds!" Rusty exclaimed.

"Yes, I really do," Sonic said. She grabbed his hand none too gently – and paused for a second. Did she just hear something break? Never mind, deal with Rusty first. "That's why I know you're gonna freak out," she continued. "Let's do this, amigo. And I'm right here, okay?"

They went back down the corridor, Sonic dragging Rusty behind her. She still hadn't seen the Custodian or the creature, Mohon, for that matter, and her guard was up. Not only because she sensed something wrong with the Custodian, but that sound she heard... Like a lightbulb blowing.

But one thing at a time. More than anything, Rusty was her first priority. The others could all wait. Besides which, she was pretty darn powerful, and heaven help anyone that tried to cross her. She smiled.

"What's so funny?" Rusty asked.

"I'll tell you later," Sonic replied. "Let's do this, hombre. And don't hold your breath."

She stepped out of the doorway, and pulled Rusty through into the daylight.

"Look up," she said, and now she held her breath.

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