Welcome to the Family

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I watched closely as Whiskey laid down around the kittens that were laying on each other sleeping. I thought it would be Delilah I would have to worry about getting attached to the kittens not Whisky and Red. Whisky acts like a father to them and Red is the mom. The kittens are three months old and keep getting cuter by the minute. We named the boys Rocky and Beau. Delilah named the tiny little girl Arietta, I don't know how she came up with it but it's beautiful.

I started taking more pictures of customers since everything was calm with Paxton. They took the police detail off of the house because Waylon was staying here every night. When he worked for two days straight, Oakley came over and stayed. The first night she stayed at the house I nearly peed myself when I came down the stairs at four in the morning. She was lying on the couch with a shotgun aimed at the door. I almost peed because the floorboard creaked where I had stepped and she aimed it at me.

Waylon took the gun from her when he found out. She only shrugged her shoulders "Someone has to protect them when you're gone." She said as she walked back over to her house. I can't blame her; I want to get a hand gun to have in my purse or the car when I go out.

The relationship between Waylon and I is going amazing. Things sometimes get hot and heavy but I make sure nothing goes farther than kissing. Why do I feel disgusted with myself every time we get like that? My parents think that it is because I haven't told him about Delilah yet. Honestly, I don't think I will unless he asks me to marry him. Not that I am thinking it will happen any time soon, but in the future; maybe.

This week is really exciting. Why, you may ask. Well, I shall tell you. Ariyanna is due to have Paislee any day now and everyone is getting ready for it. We have been planning what is going to happen when she goes in to have her. Everyone is going to be staying at Anthony's when she goes into labor. It's going to be Thatcher, mom, and me in the room with her. I'm there for sisterly support and I'm also photographing and recording everything.

"Momma." Delilah said, pulling on my skirt. "Yes, baby?" I asked squatting. "Why does Red lick the kitties down there?" She asked making me smile. "Since the babies are so young they don't know how to poop or pee yet so when she licks them it is telling them to use the bathroom, then she cleans them up." She made an 'oh' face and then it turned to disgust. "We don't do that do we?" I started laughing. "No sweetheart, only animals do that. We use wipes." "Oh, that's good. I don't think I would want a baby then." I laughed, picking her up. "When you are old enough to talk to me on the subject of baby's you will understand this a lot more. Although I will tell you this now, when you have that baby in your belly, feeling it kick and move, and then you see pictures of it, it's an amazing feeling. Then when they first put the baby in your arms, the feeling you had when she or he was in your belly intensifies by a million and you want to cry because of the joy you feel." Lilah laid her head on my shoulder. "I can't wait to feel that, momma." She whispers. "You will one day baby. Just promise me one thing that you are out of school and with a good man before you ever have one. Having the money and having the right man beside you is most important thing when you decide to have a baby. Do you understand?" I asked her. She nodded.

I gave her a hug before setting out the food. After eating we decide to go see Ariyanna. Natalya is already there, she is going to be there to watch the boy's when it's time for Paislee to come. We stopped by the baby clothes store before just so I can get her a couple more adorable outfits. When we were almost done shopping my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I answered not looking at the caller I.D. "Hey, we need you to get here like right now. Anna's having contractions five minutes apart. Bring Delilah in and then go, okay?" I jumped up a squealed. "Okay, I'm coming." I pushed the buggy to the front. "Can you save these for me here is my card to put in the bag I will be back for it in a couple of days. I'm going to be an aunt again soon." "It'll be here. Congratulations." I said 'thanks' as I ran out the door with Delilah in my arms.

I drive safely ten miles over the speed limit until I get to her house. Anna is sitting on the porch breathing in deep and holding on to the arm of the rocking chair. I get Delilah out; giving her a kiss on the cheek before sending her inside. I help Anna slowly get into the car. "Just breathe." I tell her as I back out and head to the hospital.

We get there and Anna is taken to a room to be checked by nurses. When they are done Thatcher and I are able to go in. "I'm seven centimeters dilated. They are about to get me to start pushing." She says. The nurses and doctors get the room set up and before we knew it a screaming Paislee is laid into Anna's arms. I start crying along with Thatcher and Anna. "Happy birthday, Paislee." I say.

Paislee is taken to get cleaned up. Anna gets some sleep before she wakes up to eat. I go out to my car to call everyone. Mom and dad are headed this way. Anthony, Andy, Chloe and Trudy are stopping to help Natalie with the kids. I called Nat but she didn't answer. I don't think of it as a big deal because she is surrounded with kids so she's bound to not have her phone on her.

I wish I would have. I walk to the elevator to go back down to Anna's floor when my phone rings.

Waylon's POV:

I speed to Arianna's house to check on Natalie. "He took her. Paxton took Delilah." She screamed at me when I pulled up. I run throughout the house and then back out. A paramedic is patching up Nat's head. "What happened exactly, Natalie, I need every detail from the time she was dropped off from the time Paxton showed up. "She was playing with the boys since Caylie dropped her off. Then they came in to watch cartoons and take naps. Gerard had woken up and was thirsty so I went to make him a cup. I heard something behind me I turned around and Paxton hit me on the head. I blacked out." She cried.

Soon Anthony and Andy showed up to keep her calm and get the kids. I jumped in my car and called Caylie but she didn't answer. I headed for the hospital and tried her cell again and she finally answered. "Don't try to stop me from going after him. I'm already on my way there." She answers. "Okay but don't go alone please tell me where you are and I'll come with you." "I need to do this alone. I need to save Delilah before she finds out the truth. I'm sorry Waylon no one can help me out of this right now. Only one could and she's dead." She says before she hangs up. "The truth, truth about what?" I ask myself out loud.

I'm almost to the hospital when my phone rings. "Detective Atticus." I answer. "Waylon we need to talk when you get to the hospital." I hear Caylie's mom say. "I'll be there in a second, meet me out front." I hang up. I park and run up the steps to where they are standing. "What do we need to talk about?" I ask. "Caylie and Delilah. There are a few things you need to know." She says putting her hand on my shoulder. I start to wonder what I've gotten myself into.

Caylie's POV:

It's Nat. "Hey Anthony is going to stop by to help load the kids up. How is Delilah?" I ask. "Oh, she's fine, sleeping like an angel." I freeze as his voice comes over the phone. "What do you want?" I ask. "You. Meet me at the shipyard in Jacksonville or never see your Delilah again. She'll be with her only living, biological parent." My heart drops when he hangs up.

I get in my car and speed to Jacksonville. I feel my phone start to vibrate when I'm twenty minutes from the bridge. I sigh when I see its Waylon calling me. . "Don't try to stop me from going after him. I'm already on my way there." I answer before he can say anything. "Okay but don't go alone please tell me where you are and I'll come with you." "I need to do this alone. I need to save Delilah before she finds out the truth. I'm sorry Waylon no one can help me out of this right now. Only one person could and she's dead." I hang up before I break down.

I wish Paige was here to help me through this. I get to the shipyard and park outside of the gate. Jumping the fence and start to look for where Paxton is. I go through all of the containers but can't find where they are. Then I hear a gun click behind me. 

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