First date in Centuries

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I went back inside, turning off all of the lights and getting my keys and phone into my bag. I just finished my water when the doorbell rang. "You can do this." I told myself. I opened the door to a very handsome looking Waylon. I smiled. "Hey, handsome, you sure you have the right address?" I joked. His smile dropped as he looked around. Then he whispered. "I hope so I have a beautiful date tonight." I blushed. He chuckled. "You look beautiful, Caylie." "Thank you. You do too." I said then paused. "Wait, I mean handsome." I groaned, he chuckled. "It's fine." He then pulled a white rose from behind his back. "It's beautiful, thank you." I took it out of his hand and put it in a vase before I shut and locked the door.

"Ready for your first date in centuries?" He asked, holding his arm out to me. I wrapped my arm around his as we walked to his car. "Nope, honestly I'm so nervous I'd fall over if I didn't have your arm." "Ah, you're doing fine so far. Don't worry; this is my first date in five years." He said opening my door for me. "What? No way." I said getting in. "Yes way. Why is that hard to believe?" He smiled, getting into the driver side and cranking it up. "Just look at you. I think Delilah may have a tiny crush on you from what she has been saying." I giggled. "Thanks, and what does she call me?" I blushed. "Hunk." He started laughing as we drove down the road. "Are you serious? Anything but a hunk." I shook my head. "My sisters think so too." "But not you?" He asked.

I put my hands over my cheeks. "I know what you're doing and it's not going to happen." He chuckled taking my left hand in his right. "Already has." I smiled as my cheeks burned. "Okay, so why have you been single for so long? Is it because of Delilah?" He asked. "Um, kind of, I have actually never been on a date before." I admitted. "I only had one boy friend and that was when I was fifteen." "No way, you have to be kidding." I shook my head. "Wow, I guess you don't get around like I thought." He laughed, making me smack his arm and giggled.

He made a face that looked cute. "Don't think too hard." I told him. He smiled a little. "What has you thinking so hard?" He looked at me for a minute and then back at the road. "It's none of my business." "Ask and we will see." "How did you have Delilah if you never had a boyfriend around that time?" He looked kind of scared for the answer. I paused for a moment. "I wasn't raped if that was what you were thinking. I've had so much going on I don't really think about it." He nodded looking a little relieved. It was a lie of course, I think about it every time I look at Delilah. It hurts me to lie to him, but if we become more I have to tell him. "I guess it's all a little fuzzy. Looking forward instead of in the past." He smiled. "That's a good quote to stand by." I smiled. "A friend of mine used to say it all the time."

He hasn't let go of my hand, not that I want him to. It feels right. "Is there anyone I should watch out for?" I asked him. "Um, well there is that one woman..." He trailed off. "Oh dear." He chuckled. " I'm kidding. No everyone is pretty nice. Oh, just watch out for Jack he will flirt with you and try to get you to go home with him. It wouldn't matter if your boyfriend or husband was standing beside you." I laughed. "Unfortunately, I'm stuck with you." I said playfully with a sigh. "Stuck like glue." He said making me laugh. "Wahoo, Wahoo, stuck like glue. You and me baby were stuck like glue." I sang, making us laugh.

We were getting closer to the beach and I was starting to get nervous. "Are you doing okay over there?" Waylon asked grabbing my hand. "Would you believe me if I told you I've never been to a dance, with a date? Or that I've never been on a date, period?" I asked him, laughing nervously. He looked at me like I was crazy. "You've had to go to prom." He said in disbelief. "When I lived in Pennsylvania when I was sixteen, about to turn seventeen, I went to a formal. If that counts, but it was only with some girls that befriended me when I was new to the place." I explained. "I can't believe that you've never been on a date. What about Delilah's father? He never took you on a date?" He asked.

I looked away from him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." He said giving my hand a squeeze. "No, you're fine. Everyone asks that and I don't have an answer, some don't always ask or say things like that the way you just did and I end up going off on them. When I first took her to my grandmothers, she said 'you were such a well mannered, well raised girl and taught about what would happen if you had sex without protection. Didn't you learn from your brothers and sisters mistakes?' I told her that having a child isn't a mistake; it's a choice to grow up and take responsibility for what you have made. Having a child young is learning to be strong. When the father leaves, you learn to be stronger for you and your child." I told him. "No he didn't leave. That is what my sister's husband did. He was in a fatal car accident before I found out I was pregnant." I said looking at him.

You know that feeling you had when you were younger and your mom asks you 'who ate some of the cookies on the counter?' In this case you did it and you lie and say you don't know. That feeling that sooner or later she will find out and you will be punished for it. I have that feeling that sooner or later he will find out the truth but I can't figure out if it is going to be good or bad. "I'm sorry." He said. I nodded, looking out the front windshield to see him trying to find a parking spot. "Let's forget all of that, though. That is the past; I don't live there anymore." I said, smiling at him. He nodded giving me a smile as he parked.

I was about to open my door when it opened by itself. Waylon stood there holding his hand out for me to take. "Thank you." I said taking his hand. He pulled me out of the car and shut the door behind me. "You're very welcome. I am sorry if anyone scares you a couple guys on the force are crazy." "I have two brothers and a Great Dane, I'm good." He just laughed. We walked into the building and it was huge. There weren't as many people as I thought there would be here.

"This is Mrs. May, my bosses wife. Mrs. May, this is Caylie." Waylon introduced me to an older looking woman in a flowing grey dress. "Nice to meet you." I said shaking her outstretched hand. "Ah, so you are the young lady he has been talking about these last few days." I blushed and looked up at him. He looked down at the ground rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin on his lips. "Mrs. May, I thought we were keeping that a secret?" He asked her in a fake hushed voice. Her eyes widened a bit. "And we have discussed this; I need to be on Gossip Girls because I can't keep a secret." I laughed as they bickered back and forth.

"Are they keeping you entertained?" A grey haired man asked coming up to Mrs. May's side. "Yes sir, they are." I answered. "That's my wife for you. She doesn't really know how to have a serious conversation." I laughed a little. "Excuse me." May was looking up at him with teasing anger. "I can be serious when I want to be. I just choose not to because... well because I just don't like being serious all of the time." She babbled. The Captain chuckled as he followed behind his wife. Waylon intertwined our fingers and pulled me to another group of people to talk with. 

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